Thursday, August 21, 2008


To many people, a verse is a line in a poem or a line in the holy books, Bible or Quran. To a Muslim a verse from the Quran is treated with respect and reverence. To a Muslim a verse is not limited to what is written down in the Quran only. In fact a verse needs not be in written form only. A tree is a verse in the sense that it carries God's message. The message is - the tree is His creation. So there are verses around us. Being aware of God's creation is being aware of His presence. God is love Christians agree with me. And you can feel His love. I can bet the world looks a lot more beautiful when you see God behind it.

One beautiful thing about Islam is that God gives out points (rewards) to people who can "read" His verses.This is one way of earning points (Its like getting extra credit hours at the university) and at the same time enjoying the verses.

Chief White Cloud I mentioned before, probably could could read the verses around him. That explains why he feels trees and lakes are his brothers.

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