Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Rambler Now Resting in Peace

The Rambler has passed away on Saturday, April 11th 2009.
The Rambler has a voracious thirst for knowledge and ideas. He accepts criticism and has no qualms to speak his mind. A sweet, caring father, a loving husband, an atok who never tires of giving his all and much more, a teacher and a lifelong learner, a listener and a friend forever.
Fondly remembered and admired.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

USA the Rogue State

Who explode some of those car bombs in Baghdad? I suspect they were the work of Israeli agents and their cohorts, the CIA. Its part of their dirty game to prolong lawlessness in Iraq. That would be an excuse for them to stay there longer. Americans are noted for doing things for picking up a fight or cooking up excuses to go to war.

Obama is presently talking about reaching out to the Muslims. I guess sending more troops to a Muslim country like Afghanistan is part of this reaching out process.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Divine Guidance

Q: What is the theme common to most of the 114 chapters of the Quran?
A: Obstinate people who refuse to believe in God
Q: Is it within God's power to make every body believe in Him?
A: Yes, certainly
Q: Why didn't he do it?
A: Because He made man, a creature of choice. He wants man himself to decide whether to
. believe in Him or not.
Q: Why does God want man to believe in Him?
A: He wants to guide man, the crown of His creation
Q: Does God guide the unbelievers?
A: No. He says he only guides those who want to be guided and let astray those who don't want to
. be guided.
Q: What guides the unbelievers then?
A: I don't know. May be the mores and the norms of the ancient of their heritage. May be the instinct
. of greed and selfishness that are causing the current financial meltdown
Q: Who are the obstinate people mentioned in the Quraan?
A: "The Tribe of Bani Israel"
Q: But they believe in God, don't they
A: Yes, but they believe that God is for the people of Israel only
Q: Does the conduct of this tribe indicate the absence of divine guidance?
A: I think so. Just look at what they have done in the last 50 years.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Khir Toyo

Khir Toyo was so excited when he discovered that his rival Khalid had abused his power regarding the purchase of cattle for Korban as well as the maintenance of his personal car. The amount involved was more than a hundred thousand ringgit. But today we learn that the accuser himself was involved in a much bigger scandal than the man he accused and the amount involved exceeds more than a million ringgit- expenses of "Study Tour" undertaken by his wife and children at Disney World Paris and Florida.- another cock and bull story.

How many UMNO leaders out there are really clean - not stained by any form of corrupt practise?
It seems that the clean ones who did not buy votes are people like Shahir and Rais who were not voted into office

Thursday, March 26, 2009

UMNO politics

UMNO leaders are talking about CHANGE in order to stay relevent. Good I support that. But why is repugnant old ways still being practiced. Khairy Jamaluddin is known to be corrupt. It does not matter whether the money involved is ten cents or ten million. Corruption is corruption. Why is he allowed to stand for election for "Ketua Pemuda". Is it because he is the son in law of the prime minister or is it because he started using money again after being cleared of corruption charges

There are two men in Malaysia who are obsessed with becoming prime minister one day. The first one is Khairy and the other bloke is Anuar. Looks like Khairy is going to make it before Anuar. Khairy as Ketua Pemuda is sure to get a cabinet post and from there on he will make his way up to the prime minster's chair. Then the government will be so rotten that the people will ask Anuar to sit in the prime minster;s chair

Thursday, March 19, 2009

America should apologize

American owe the world an apology for messing up the economy. If they are too proud to apologize, they should at least admit their mistakes:

1. Consume more than they produce.
2. Import more than they export
3. Spend more than they earn

What do we call this kind of people?

1. Stupid?
2. Idiot?
3. Imbecile?
4. Irresponsible?
5. Selfish?

Why do we have to suffer because of these bloody f---- Americans? Materialism and greed are the hall mark of people who don't believe in God

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

To court again

Party X has won the election. So it sets up service centre where constituents can take up their grouses with Y.B. In the next election however, Party X has been defeated and Party Y comes into power. There is no law that prohibits Party X to continue operating its service centre though it has lost the election. They still have their supporters in the constituents though they form the minority this time. For the constituents its good to have two service centres that compete with each other to give better service.

However what is happening in Kedah is different. PKR that won the election is asking BN to close down its service centre in the constituency. Looks like Malaysians have to go to court again to find out their rights and limitation.

Damn the politicians!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Dark Side of Malaysia

I was at a wedding in Kuala Lumpur during the week end. A guest at the wedding remarked that "Money Politics" in the coming UMNO gathering is part of UMNO culture rather than out right vote buying, in the same way wedding guests give a small sum of money to their host as present.

"Money Politics" is not confined to UMNO gathering at Kuala Lumpur only; it is also practiced during election and the "present" needs not always be in cash. It can also be in kind. I was once given a crisp RM100-00 bill. I grabbed it because money and voting are two different things. Money is what you spend at McDonald with the kids. And voting is the cross you make on the ballot paper. Thirty years ago my late grandfather used to get "Kain Pelikat" at election time. And during the recent Kuala Terengganu by election, my son in law was given cash and goodies for distribution. Of course I got the goodies too.

UMNO has a lot of money that comes as "presents" from contractors who got government contracts even small ones like resurfacing roads in the village or erecting fencing around village mosques

I am posting this to let UMNO know that we know their hanky panky. Do something about it before the next general election.


Haji Hadi suggests that Pas should work together with UMNO in facing the current economic crisis but the other Pas leader, Nik Aziz is against the idea. In time of crisis, political parties, especially Muslim parties like Pas and UMNO should put aside their ideological differences and give attention to the thing that really matters - economic survival. Nik Aziz is supposed to be an Islamic scholar and he should know that Islam teaches "mesyuarah" or consultation with each other. Its really a shame when Muslims do not cooperate with fellow Muslims

NIK Aziz is 70 years old and so he knows what Muslims in this country were like 50 years ago. We have made tremendous progress since then. Present day Muslims are much better than those of yesteryear.

Haji Hadi who was educated in Cairo and Medinah has a more globalised world view unlike Nik Aziz who was educated in the Taliban country of Pakistan. I don't mean to belittle him. I am trying to say that Taliban philosophy has no place in Malaysia

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Can we trust CNN?

In its broadcast on March 13, CNN reported that Americans were working to get the Afghan girls to school. That was good. The bad part was the remark that "Islam forbids giving education to girls". Its not Islam that forbids but the Taliban with their brand of Islam did. The part that the Quraan
forbids was allowing girls to leave home unescorted. The Taliban however, took this a step further, by forbidding girls to leave home to go school. Both the Quraan and the phophetic tradition encourage learning and look upon it as a process of unraveling God's creation. In fact knowledgeable people are amply rewarded in the hereafter. The West generally thinks that Muslim women are not fairly treated. Thats wrong. Its the Taliban,some Pakistanis and some Arabs too who do not treat the women well. Islam is not at fault. The Quraan deals in womans' rights much more than the Bible. One whole chapter in the Quraan "An Nisa" lays down rules on alimony, inheritance etc. in details. So much so that a bishop in England proposed that Muslim marriage laws be made a part of the common law in Britain.

When CNN talks about Islam, we know right away whether they are telling the truth or not. But when they talk about other things like Buddhism or Gaza, we have no way of verifying the reports.I suggest that the next time CNN wants to do a story on Muslim women, come to Malaysia. Women here form the majority in all universities and in some professions too

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Are Americans Happy?

Recently somebody forwarded me a story written by a female American journalist. She was lamenting that Christian women in American were not as happy as their Muslim sisters in the comparatively poor countries in Asia. I would like to attest to that.

My sister in law lives in a riverine village about three kilometers from the town of Kuala Berang. Folks in that village are all related and they can trace their family tree right down to the tenth cousin so to speak. They are happy and contented, at peace with the world and with God. I think those villagers have the ingredient for happiness. They have a sense of belonging to a community which they consider their family. Without this familiness one would feel alienated and restless.

Americans on the other hand have small families and I can bet they don't know their tenth cousin. They are also alienated with God because they don't go to places of worship on regular basis as Muslims.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Revealation is every where

I look around me. There is nothing that is not created by God. Even the pen I am holding at the moment is God's creation. God created the material that is used in the making of the pen. Man does not know how to create matter or material or substance whatever you prefer to call it. Man only knows how to change the form of the matter into a pen. or other things. Since man is created by God, he cannot claim the credit of making the pen. Credit goes to God.

I think the pen can also be categorized as a verse one finds in the Quraan both the pen and the verse carry God's message in which He describes Himself and His creative power. So every thing is sacred and holy. God's message is every where. Even inside me and that includes the very idea that guides me into writing this story.

Revelation that begins with Moses and continues with Jesus and Muhammad has not stopped yet. It is on going, every where. Every thing is Revelation

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Unity Government

Political parties in Malaysia have good ideas as well as ideas that are less good. Once candidates are voted into office, they should cross party lines and think of themselves as Malaysians - not as BN or PR- whose main job is to get this country going. Unfortunately this is not happening. Those idiots are still bickering on who should form the government and who should be the chief executive. while the country is in dire need to steer away from the looming recession. At this moment in time, politicians should consider of forming a unity government where every ADUN or MP should get together and put their ideas to test. I am sure if done with sincerity devoid of partisan politics, great things may result

Monday, March 9, 2009

Teaching Maths and Science in English

The failure of teaching maths and science in English is not because the idea is bad but because the teachers are incompetent.
1. The present teachers never had the experience of learning maths and science in English when they were in school. Those who had this experience have already retired.
2. Their first experience learning maths and science in English was when they were at the university.
3. The English used in some of the maths and science books is not suitable for school level. That goes for the spoken English used by the teachers too - a carry over of how they were taught at the university. To prove that students can be taught in English I once took history and Ugama classes from their regular teachers and conducted the lessons in English. Responses was good. Unfortunately I was unable to take over maths and science classes because of my unfamiliarity with the subject matter.
4. There are many benefits from teaching maths and science in English. Why discontinue it because of the incompetence of a few.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Respecting the Sultans

Some people in this country seem to think that they do not have to respect the sultans. They say that respect is something that one has to earn. They are right. But a sultan is not a person in the true sense of the word. He is an institution. An institution can do no wrong. Only a person does wrong thing. In the same way, parliament is an institution. We have to respect it even when the law makers talk rubbish and throw chairs at each other when they do not agree over certain thing.

I know of sultans who do not behave. They have gambling debt and somebody had to bail him out. They ran huge debt which they did not honor. I know of one who was convicted of man slaughter. As persons, one may chose to disrespect them but as institution, we have not much choice but to respect them. They represent institution that holds Malaysia together

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No change of Kiblat

The Arabs were good at finding direction with the help of the stars. Prophet Muhammad made use of this special skill of the Arabs to determine the direction Muslims should face when praying. Initially the prophet told the followers to stand in line facing the kaabah in the mosque at Mecca and the "Further mosque" in Juruselem when praying i.e facing both mosques. The prophet continued praying in the same direction even after he migrated to Madinah. As a result the kaabah was at his back. In other word he was not facing the kaabah at all instead he was facing the Juruselem mosque only. One day when the prophet was praying in Madinah, Allah ordered him to do a U-Turn to face the kaabah in Mecca. Some Muslims believe that Juruselem was the fisrt kiblat of the Muslims and later changed to Mecca. I think this was not the case. Mecca has been the kiblat of the Muslims since the begining. The order to turn towards Mecca was not about changing the kiblat but it was about returning to the original kiblat. The kaabah built by Abraham in Mecca is much older than the Juruselem mosque built by Solomon

Monday, March 2, 2009

Catholics Using the name Allah

I would like to comment on Nik Aziz's claim that "The non Muslims of Mecca were calling their god Allah" (NST Feb 2nd). Before the time of Prophet Muhammad, the teaching of the previous 24 prophets, that used the word Allah had spread throughout the Arab land. However with the passage of time, the teaching became corrupted and moved into the realm of mythology, but the name Allah remained and used by the pagan Arabs during Jahiliyah time. This was the circumstances how the word Allah came to be used by non Muslims that Nik Aziz described.

Today the Catholics in Malaysia want to use the word Allah in their publication. This should not be allowed because they have given Allah an entirely new concept which is a blasphemy in Islam. They say that Allah has a son in the person of Jesus Christ and that Allah walks and sees like human. The Bible says "Adam heard god's foot steps in the garden..." Moses spoke to god face to face.."- statements that are unacceptable to Islam.

The use of the word Allah in Catholic publication will confuse both Catholic and Muslims in Malaysia

Friday, February 27, 2009

Technically wrong but justifiable

When I hit 50, I worked for 3 years with a statutory body of the state government. The CEO there used his official car for personal use such as taking his kids to school and other chores. His driver told me this because his kids too went to school together with the boss's kids. No body complained then. Today however there is a lot of complaint about a certain menteri besar who used his personal car as an official car and gets the government to pay for its maintenance. Its technically wrong but nevertheless justifiable. The amount is relatively small compared to what Terengganu used to pay for maintenance of its Perdana fleet.

As for the purchase of cattle for "Korban" its perfectly alright to pay from public fund. The cattle was meant for public consumption and it does not really matter where they were consumed.

I am no fan of PKR but I resent calls for menteri besar's resignation the same way I object for calls for Liz Wong to step down

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Know the Law First

I don't know anything about the Perak State Constitution. But common sense tells me, it does not give the speaker of the state legislative assemby the power to suspend an assembly man for the duration of between 12 - 18 months.

The speaker should know the 7 assembly men he suspended are representatives of thousands of the constituents all over the state of Perak. Suspension amounts to depriving the constituents their representation in the state legislative assembly.

The speaker now finds himself in a maze of legal technicalities and its difficult for him or for anybody else for that matter, to undo what had happened. There is no precedence to fall back upon. I think the speaker, a novice who has been at the job less than a year, was not aware the implication of his action. He was probably just taking orders from his supreme commander and adviser, Anuar Ibrahim.

Prof.Khoo is right when he says politicians should first know the law before holding public office. I hope we will soon get out of this gutter politic and pay more attention to solving the economic woes

Friday, February 20, 2009

Gutter Poltics in Malaysia

Malaysian politics today stinks. Dr.Mahathir describes it as "Gutter Politics". Politics in Malaysia has never been this bad before.

Politicians of today, with some exception, are of the new breed who entered the profession after the demise of Tun Razak - the last of the old breed. Is it a coincidence that things started to go bad after Anuar Ibrahim, a new breed, staged a come-back?. He was the one who started all those talks about forming a new federal government by engineering massive cross over. He failed but BN borrowed his idea and succeeded in Perak. This is the most stinking part of the whole thing in which both Anuar and BN are guilty of. The only difference is Anuar bragged about it and BN didn't. What follows next is sickening- police reports made by the hundred and some matters taken to court. Here we have adults who fail to resolve their differences without going at each other's throats. We voted for these idiots into office so that they would work for the betterment of the country. Instead they are working for the glory of self aspiring to become prime minister and menteri besar

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Old Breed, New Breed

In the teaching profession, I belong to the old breed of teachers, who was busy with the students and never had time to think how to become rich. When I finally retired, I found myself living in a three bedroom house and driving a twenty eight year old car.

In politics I think the late Tun Razak was a politician of the old breed. He was busy with rakyat and never had time to think how to get rich. Once I happened to pass by his house at Peramu Pekan and it was a modest dwelling so unbecoming of a prime minister's residence.

Many of my former students today are much better off than me and I guess that goes for the rakyat too who started life under Tun Razak. I like to say a few words about some of my former students who become teachers themselves in Kuala Terennganu. One of them is a part time housing developer and the other one is running a tuition centre as big as the school where he teachers. All are earning good money may be as much as the prime minister himself. These are examples of the new breed of teachers. As for politicians of the new breed you can see them in power fights in Perak and Selangor at the moment.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Elizabeth Wong

Leave her alone! She might have illicit sex with a man. So what? That is expected of a 37 year old female single! She is not a Muslim and we cannot apply Muslim laws on her! Look at Condi Rice. She is single too. I bet she is not a virgin. This goes to show that private matter and professional matter do not mix

She is a good M.P. Her constituents do not seem to mind what she did in private. They urge her to stay on as an asembly woman. It is UMNO, as voiced out by Khir Toyo, that wants her to give up her seat For what reason? To discredit the opposition? Or to wrest the seat from DAP in the ensuing by-election? UMNO or BN is not likely to win. There is going to be sympathy votes for DAP.

UMNO is not free of sex scandal either. I know of someone of ministerial rank who womanizes . Why is the media keeping quite? The media likes to sensationalize things. Don't they have better things to do?

Monday, February 16, 2009

USA and Hamas

Both USA and Hamas are victims of the Jews

Proof of Jewish repression of USA
1. The Jews have ruined the American Banking System. They were the ones who run the system for decade. If the system goes wrong, it must be their fault. Obama said the same thing and I quote "Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of SOME . Who is SOME if not the Jews. And American tax payers are made to pay for the mismanagement of the Jews!
2. Israel is siphoning huge amount of money from USA every year for the so called economic and military aids
3. Israel dictates American foreign policy that makes USA the most despised country on earth

Proof of Jewish repression of Hamas.
The recent attack on Gaza was ethnic cleansing to clear up the land to make way for more Israeli illegal settlements.

Fighting Back
The Americans do not have the courage to confront the Jews. But the people of Gaza are among the most courageous people on Earth. They fight back with human bombs and stones. I have a lot of respect for the Gazans but none for the Americans

Monday, February 9, 2009

UMNO Must Change!

I signed up for UMNO membership during the time of Tun Razak. That puts me in the veteran category now. Over the years, I observed changes among the polticians. In the begining they were nationalistic committed towards the welfare of the rakyat. Tun Razak was one such person.But today's politicians are not so. They are opportunists committed towards the aqusition of money and power. Related problems crop up. One of them is money politic and the other one is jump ship like people in the private sector who "Jump Companies". One moment they are with Esso and the next moment they look for openings in Petronas. They don't care for Esso or Petronas. What they care is the money they can make. Some politicians are like that

UMNO politicians generally love the good thing of life such as branded cars, palatial homes and in some cases, new wives. Ahmad Said is one such person. I don't understand why they need a RM200,000.00 car to go around or a RM2,000.000.00 house to sleep in and a new wife to sleep with

UMNO politicians are treated almost like royalty. Once I attended a get-together at a kampung in Terengganu where politicians were guests of honour. They arrived in a convoy of branded cars and welcomed by bearers of bunga mangar, kompang, bersilat and even a red carpet. They were over doing it. High living, display of wealth and VIP treatments fail to bring about endearment of the people. The 'Us" and the 'Them" mentality develop. No amount of talk on national development can erase that mentality. It is this endearment that wins elections. BN fared badly in the last election because of the lack of this endearment. The outcome of the recent KT by election was also bad and it was due to the same reason. So Najib please take note

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Castrated Government

I like to follow TV discussions on the on-going events in Gaza. They often discuss on how the conflict there could be ended. Dr.Chandra Muzzafar said it only could be ended if Obama could persuade Israel to stop attacking the Palestinians, allow the refugees to return etc.etc. I wonder why he did not mention that Obama was not in a position to dissuade Israel from carrying out what it has planned. Obama, for that matter, most of the law-makers too have all been castrated by the Jewish Lobby and as a result they have to submit to the Lobby's wishes. I think if we want to help the Palestinians, first we must help the Americans to free themselves from Jewish control. This is one thing Americans and Palestinians share in common. Americans must know it by now that Israel is a liabilty not an asset. The Jews are like a parasite plant that is alowly killing the host tree.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama could succeed if

In the TV morning show yesterday, a professor from Malaysia's National University spoke highly of Obama but I wasn't so optimistic.

The Jews who financed large portion of Obama's campaign expenses demanded something in return. Obama obliged by appointing Joe Biden as Vice president. Biden once said he was a Zionist even though he wasn't a Jew.

There is an unpleasant possibility that Obama might be gunned down either by the white-supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan or by the Jews themselves who want Biden to be the next president

Obama could be a great president if he could reduce the power of the Israel Lobby. It's a mighty job but it ain't impossible

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why the Jews Fight

They want to expand their present shitty state into something bigger which they call "Greater Israel".Its a huge swath of land from Suez to Ormudz on the Persian Gulf. From there on the boundary runs north westerly along the Tigris Valley until it reaches the Mediterranean in Lebanon. The Jews got this grandiose idea from the Bible where Moses talked about the Promised Land. But the fucking Jews interpreted it as all lands where the prophets "Left their foot prints". The ancient prophets left a lot of their "foot prints" all over the Middle East.. For example, the Patriarch Abraham left for Palestine from his birth place Ur near Ormudz four thousand years ago. To avoid the Syrian Desert, he kept to the Tigris Valley and finally turned south to Palestine. Another prophet, Moses made his famous sea crossing at Suez then trekked across the Sinai Desert to Palestine.

If the Jews are allowed to have their way, a lot more Arab land would be swallowed up. That includes the whole of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Saudi Arabia is not spared either because Abraham left his "Foot print" in Mecca too. If Abraham had been to India, then the fucking Jews would start claiming Iran and Pakistan too as part of Greater Israel.

The Jews have already started building Greater Israel. They grabbed the Arab land. First its Palestine. Not much of it is left now. Now they are bombing Gaza to drive out the inhabitants. Arab countries have all experienced being bombed by the Jews, with bombs made in USA.- Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and in Iraq the Jews asked the stupid American to do it.

The danger from Jewish territorial ambition is real. Going by what is happening in Gaza, the Jews with American backing would bomb the rest of the Arab countries and this time with nukes.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jewish Control of America

I have just finished reading Mark Waber's "A Look at Powerful Jewish Lobby in America" I found that the Lobby is much bigger and much more powerful than I first thought. It derives its power from:

1. MONEY. They have a lot of it. They dominate the lucrative industries such as film making, radio and TV, newspapers and above all, banking. The New York Times is theirs.They also run the military industrial complex that produces weapons. No war, no money. 50% of America's billionaires are Jews.

2. PROFESSIONALS. The Jews are brilliant, the kind of people that produces Albert Einstein and Karl Marx. Many of them won the Nobel Prize. Mark Weber tells us 50% of America's top intellectuals such as Chomsky, are Jews and they also constitute 20% of professors in top universities and 50% of lawyers of top law firms. So are most of the bankers on Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank. 25% of journalist are Jews who write in Jewish controlled newspapers.

3.POLITICS.The Jews provide the money for people who run for public office all the way from congressman to president. For this reason, the Jews decide American foreign policies. About 20% of political post are held by Jews. They are also found in Bush's and Obama's cabinet

4. RELIGION. Although the Jews profess a religion different from Christianity, they get the sympathy of the Christians all the same. The Jews are seen as people from the Biblical Land, Israel and that evokes Christian sentimentality

. WHY SHOULD WE BOTHER? Jewish control of America matters to us in Malaysia a great deal. The present tragedy in Gaza and the present economic recession are caused by those bloody Jews. Think of the awesome American military hardware in Jewish hands! Its a nightmare!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Psychological Terrorism

American are insecure people who would over-react a thousand fold over treats, whether its real or imaginary. let us use their weakness to terrorize them psychologically so that the ensuing anxiety would take their mind off from exporting terrorism to Gaza. The following suggestions would guarantee nation wide alert and they will hit the panic button:

1. Explode a few low intensity explosive devise from time to time at strategic places in different American cities.

2. Leave a suicide bomber vests on planes bound for America or place an AK47 in an unattended luggage at the airports.

3. Keep sending letters laced with anthrax to American law makers

4. Pour arsenic in Lake Michigan where Chicagoan get their drinking water but inform the mayor immediately after that. The objective is to cause panic not to bring death.

5. Set their forest on fire because they have destroyed a lot of properties in Islamic countries
Keep them occupied fighting forest fires so that they would not be a nuisance overseas.

What Arabs and Israeili fear


1. Israel would expand in line with its "Greater Israel Plan" in which most of the present Arab states would be swallowed
2. There might be a repeat of the Gaza-type invasion. This time Israel with the backing of America would be using nukes. Events in Gaza have shown that these rouge states are reckless. That this could possibly happen can be seen by steps already taken by Saudi Arabia that has laced its oil wells with explosives designed to go off if the country falls.


1. Arab states become united under an able leadership with nuclear bombs to boot.
2. Stop the flow of oil to America and abandon the use of the dollar.

Exporting Terrorism

In an interview, Obama said "Iran is exporting terrorism to Hamas". I don't disagree with him. Hamas must have some Iranian made weapons but the number is insignificant. Those rockets Hamas fired into Israel were not Iranian otherwise they wouldn't be missing their targets! most of the time. Their effect is mere pin-pricks.

But isn't American exporting terrorism to Israel? And on a much greater scale too. If what Israel is doing in Gaza is not American terrorism, then what it is? What about the 3000 ton of weapons on the way to Israel at this moment?

I was so happy when Obama won the election. I thought there would be CHANGE. Today I realize what a fool I had been. He is not much different from from Bush. He too is taking instruction from his Jewish masters, the Jewish Lobby. American presidents are mules of the Jews.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Devil has a field day

When the Sucurity Council put to vote the Cease Fire resolution on Gaza, every member agreed except for United States that abstained. I knew then, United States would soon change its mind in favor of Israel. Its Jewish master would never allow a cease fire. I was right. On the next day, United States announced the sending of a ship load of weapon for Israel to kill the Palestinians.

The Jews and the American not only show their contempt towards United Nation but also towards God Himself for disregarding the sin of killing human beings. For people who do not fear God, the devil has a field day leading them to evil.

Its good news that Malaysia is going to make a move to get a tribunal set up to try these war criminals. I would like like to see the following people in the tribunal. Olmert,George W.Bush, Dick Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld

Friday, January 9, 2009

Why I hate America

I hate America because that is one country that would resort to dirty scheming to get what it wants.Examples are numerous and I will mention a few below:

1. In its attempt to keep the Arabs weak, it creates disunity among the Arab states by making them fight one another. Once America encouraged Saddam Hussein to strike Iran and on another occasion it supplied Saddam chemical to gas the Kurds.

2. American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are all about oil on cooked-up excuses.

3. America has toppled several foreign governments including those in Iran and Chile

4. America uses strong arm tactic "Arm Twisting" to force foreign leaders into submission.

5. America likes to pick up a fight. To start the Vietnam war, it's gun boat deliberately entered Vietnam water inviting to be shot. It used the same tactic in Iran recently but the Iranians knew better.

6. I am annoyed with the American use of the word "terrorist" without being aware that they are the real terrorists.

7. American is not grateful to the Arabs who have been supplying them oil.

8. America does not respect Islam. We respect their religion in spite of them declaring one of our prophets "Son of God"

9. American does not respect International Law, the United Nation, Human Rights and other International conventions like the Geneva convention on war

10. America is a conceited fool who think that they are the best and always right.

11. America has no respect for small countries whose gross national product is less than that of an American Corporation

12. I hate it when America curved out more that 100 acres of Iraqi territory for its embassy in Baghdad. Iraqis have reason to be suspicious

13. America is giving undivided support to the Jewish state which had been illegally formed on Arab soil. They conveniently swept this fact under the carpet

14. The way America tortures prisoners is beastly

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hamas Fight

Many people in the West do not know or chose not to know how the state of Israel was formed. They also do not know what the Palestinians are fighting for. For these people I reproduce a statement by Hamas that appeared in the Guardian in 2006

" Our message to the Israelis is this. We do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony. They are in our religion- the people of the book - who have a covenant with God and His messenger Muhammad to be respected and protected. Our conflict with you is not religious but political. We have no problem with Jews who have not attacked us- our problem is with those who came to our land, imposed themselves on us by force,destroyed our society and banished our people. We shall never recognise the right of any power to rob us of our land and deny us our religious right. We shall never recognise the legitimacy of a Zionist state created on our soil in order to atone for somebody's sins or solve somebody else's problem. But if you are willing to accept a long term truce, we are prepared to negotiate the term. Hamas is extending a hand of peace to those who are truly interested in a peace based on justice"

The Palestinians are a dispossessed people whose land has been given away by the European to the Jews. There is no question of the right of Israel to exist but the legitimacy of the state itself is questionable.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Three Little Stories

Once upon a time, long ago, white men crossed the Atlantic to settle down in a new land that belonged to the Indians. The Indians resisted and today they would have been called terrorists. They could not face the might of the white men and so the Indians were made to live on the reservation. They nevertheless continued fighting with bows and arrows. They did not know how to make rockets then otherwise they would fire them to targets in what was once their home land. The white men then did not have F16 otherwise they would have bombed the reservation.

In another story that happened not long ago, the Jews from Europe and else where were brought by the white men to settle down in a land that belonged to the Palestinians. The Palestinians were made to live on the reservation, a strip of land 4 miles by ten miles on the coast. They fought back and for that they were labeled terrorists. They send rockets to what was once their home land. The Jews responded by bombing the reservation.

In my last story, white men went to settle down in South Africa in a land that belonged to the native people. The natives were side lined. They rebelled and their leader Nelson Mandela was jailed for near 30 years. However through their perseverance, they got back their country. White men continue to live in peace with the natives

The Jews prophesized in the Bible

The Bible tells us how the Jews would behave after the passing of Moses.

I am citing Deuteronomy 31: 27 & 29 Moses said “For I know your rebellion and your stiff neck. If today, while I am yet alive with you, you have been rebellious against the Lord, then how much more after my death. I know after my death you will become utterly corrupt and turn aside from the way I have commanded you. An evil will befall you in the later days, because you will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger, through the works of your hands”

These are not the only verses of Biblical condemnation of the Jews. There are many more. The on going war in Gaza is but one example of the evil that is Israel
the country that America cringes at the mention of its name

So I am urging all Jews and Christians to read their Bibles again and reevaluate themselves.

Monday, January 5, 2009

World's Ils caused by the Jews

The Jews and the Americans are responsible for many of the world's ills.

i) The war in Iraq - initiated by the Jews and carried out by the Americans
ii) The war in Gaza - initiated by the Jews and endorsed by the Americans

i) The Jews started it. They abuse the financial system through hedge fund and currency trading etc.
ii) High stake "Get rich scheme" played by Madoff "American Pak Man Telo"

1. It is high time that America got rid of the Jewish Lobby (AIPAC) that neither benefits
them nor the rest of the world
2. It is high time that Americans supervised and regulated its financial system and set up a
a government managed central bank like Bank Negara in Malaysia to replace the
Federal Reserve Bank managed by the Jews

1.Dr.Mahathir, former Malaysian Prime Minister says American Financial System is a casino
played by the Jews
2. The governor of Bank Negara Malaysia has been invited by U.N. to look into the financial mess
3. American and EU treasury officials have looked into the Islamic Banking System for possible adoption to replace the Jewish made financial system.
4. Queen Elizabeth of Britain refused to award "Datukship" to bankers this year.
5. The Pope calls for a review of the world's financial system

CONCLUSION The Jews are the black sheep of the planet. They should be expelled from the world community. The world would be a better place without them

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Win that War!

There are several ways of hitting back at Israel and United States. Hamas should develop better rockets that could hit Israel's nuclear facilities. There are more than enough bombs there to wipe out the Jewish state.Blow them up first before they are dropped on the Muslim countries. Hamas should also get a couple of nuclear bombs - beg or steal - to blow up some of the mid-Atlantic islands in order to create a tsunami that could hit eastern United States.A more practical application would be to cut off oil supply to these two rouge states. Its the Arab oil that fuel those planes that kill the Arabs

Friday, January 2, 2009

Resolving Israel/Palestine Conflict

The root cause of the root cause of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict is the presence of greed, selfishness and arrogance in one of the parties to the conflict- raw human instinct untamed by any belief in God.Materialism is the main pursuit of the Jews and the American, the acquisition of which is equated with success. The Jews dream of Greater Israel, a country bigger than its present border. The American are hooked on the Great American Dream and lately the dream of an empire Pax Americana.

The Israel/Palestine conflict can ONLY be resolved if the Jews and the American can change their mind set- less materialistic and less selfishness- and return to the International Community where the Rule of Law is supreme. Its easy. Find out what exactly Moses and Jesus want you to do in life

The Jews and the American may kill all the Palestinians in Gaza but they can never kill their spirit and resilience. The conscience of the Jews and the American has been numbed by years of materialism and selfishness. At times some of their acts appear to be done by people with a sick mind and a sick soul.

As Gaza burns

Those bloody Jews, with the blessing of their American cohorts, are targeting Gaza in response to rocket attacks from Hamas. Self defense indeed! They never realized it; they have been oppressing the Palestinians for decades. Sending home made rockets and suicide bombers are desperate acts of oppressed people who have no other way of getting justice

Arab leaders are not doing anything besides talking and holding demonstrations which come to nothing actually. Those well-fed Arab leaders are more concerned with preserving their positions than helping fellow Arab brothers. Ordinary Arabs are calling their leaders to act but their cries fall on deft ears. For one thing, Arab leaders need not worry about being voted out of office in the next election. There is no election! There is no where else on earth where a president can appoint his son to take over the presidency! While those oil rich sheikhs are too busy building twenty star hotels in the desert and sea to think of the suffering of their Palestinian brothers. Egypt is afraid to act least it’s 3 billion dollar aid a year from the American would be taken away. Another case of money politics!

The Jews and the American should realize it by now, they should share this little planet with the rest of humanity. They should realize it some where out there, God is watching their every move and they have to account for every little bit of their misdeed.