Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dear Prime Minister

I have just been emplaced in the "Warga Emas" Category and that automatically puts me in the Veteran UMNO Group. Such being the case, I am concerned with dwindling support UMNO is getting today.

There should be changes in UMNO. and a change should begin at the top, the UMNO leadership which has been paying scant attention to the demographic changes in the country in the last fifty years . Take note that Malaysians today are more educated, more in numbers, the majority are young, more urbanized and enjoy a much higher standard of living like never before in the history of Malaysia. Their value system too changes. It was UMNO that brought out all these changes but the changes do not work out to UMNO's advantage. Young Malaysians don't like UMNO. UMNO changes the country for the better but it forgets to change itself. As a result UMNO remains fuedalistic and archaic. Time to update yourself UMNO

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