Friday, August 22, 2008

Unexplainable Phenomena

1 Once an F16 flew low over my roof top. I watched it screaming towards the South China Sea until it disappeared from view. In my mind I saw it crashed into the sea. It did. The evening news reported

2. The phone rings. Even before I pick it up , I know which one of my children is on the line. I am right in 50% of the time.

3. I am driving then I come to a turn in the road where I cannot see the oncoming vehicles. Something always tells me whether the road ahead is clear or not.

4. Some extra money is coming my way. Before I even get the money, I know that something is bound to go wrong that needs fixing - car needs a new battery, washing machine breaks down etc..It happens every time. without fail. I sort of expect it.

5. When I was young I liked to play a game; I would focus on the neck of the girl in front of me
and said "look back, look back, look back many times" and in many cases she would look back at me!

Is this psychic power? I don't know. They say we all live inside an invisible power capsule that can travel ahead of us through time and space.

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