Thursday, August 14, 2008

As I see it

I remember watching an old movie that shows a little school house on the praire. Kids in their sunday best received religious instructions there. The rustic setting was probably America of the Abe Lincoln era. Nice folks then, became presidents. They didn't bother the world so much as today. I also remember reading a tattered Play Boy Magazine that ran a story about an atheist by the name of Madlyn Murray (I hope I got the spelling right). She campaigned for the abolition of religious indoctrination in schools. She said it was unconstitutional . Americans should be allowed to choose any religion or no religion they like. Such was the argument in the name of freedom. Congress agreed and that was it. It is no coincidence that later day American presidents bothered the world so much. What do Americans of today worship? I think they worship the mighty dollar, the female bosom and the nuclear war heads, in that order. They resort to robbing the world's resources to satisfy their huge appetite for oil and power. However they gave respectable name for that - democratization and regime change.

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