Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Birth of Jesus

Mary was visited by an angel who brought the glad tiding (good news) from God that she was about to give birth to a child, Besides the good news the angel also brought the soul of Jesus and even a name to be given to him at birth. The name was "Isa" in Hebrew and rendered "Jesus" in Greek.

In the Quran Chapter 32 Verse 9, God talks about the ever recurring creation and evolution of the human embryo.

"and then He forms him and breath into him His spirit"

On the Christian belief that Jesus is the son of God. the Quran has this to say.

"Jesus, like other human beings, is a soul created by Him"

According to Muslim belief, a person is made of two substances -the physical body made from the produce of the Earth and the spiritual body created somewhere else, outside Earth and sent to the developing foetus by an angel. God has created billions and billions of human foetus similiar to that of Jesus. The only difference with Jesus was the manner fertilization of the ovum took place. The rest of humanity requires the need of a male sperm but in case of Jesus such need was not neccessary. God, who Himself created the system how fertilization takes place, surely knows how to make an exception in case of Jesus.

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