Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Once I was having a drink with an American student at the cafeteria of Northern Illinois University. He was telling me the great time he had with a girl the night before. Then unexpectedly he asked me "I can introduce you to a girl......". I was momentarily stunned. Seeing my expression, he said "Nothing wrong with consenting adults" "God" I said to myself "How do I tell off this fella". Then in a flesh, an idea came. I told him "Look, I don't even own my body. I can't do anything I like with it". With that, he changed the topic.

Note: Both the Bible and the Quran condemn adultery. Doing it would seriously affect one's standing in God's view and he or she might be denied entry to heaven. The punishment for adultery in the Bible and the Quran is the same

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just randomly came across your blog... you know seeing what other people out there have to offer. I read this entry and it made me laugh... I just want to say I love the way you lay things out on here.
