Wednesday, July 23, 2008


There is so much animosity between the Jews and the Christian on one side and the Muslims on the other side. The Jews and the Christians have been close to each other for so long because their prophets, Moses and Jesus were of the same lineage and share the same holy land. Besides this they share a common dream that is to take possession of the Promised Land that is so rich in oil. Their enmity towards Islam started with the War of the Crusades that lasted more than a hundred years. Stories of the war were told to countless generations of children in the Christian world- the crusaders were the hero and the Muslim, the bad guy. The Christians and the Jews look at Muslims as illegal settlers of the Promised Lands- a disputed territory that has not been resolved yet. It can been seen here that the reason for the animosity is stupid old prejudice kept alive by greed and egocentric mind set of the Jews and the Christians

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