Monday, July 14, 2008

The Muslim Head Dress

Why is the West making such fuss with Muslim head dress. The wearing of it is a religious requirement. It is probably a requirement too in Christianity. Look at the nuns. They are always with a head dress. Virgin Mary is always shown with her head covered. Then again look at old engraving from Medieval England . King Arthur's consort kept her head covered. This is but one example. In the 19th.century European immigrants arrived in New York Harbor. Their women folks had their heads covered by scarves.

Today I have seen pictures of Americans ripping off the head covering of Muslim women in New York. Why can't they be more tolerant. Over here in Malaysia, we tolerate Westerners over what they wear or don't wear on our island resorts. I can only conclude that, it is Islam that they are against - not so much the head dress

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