Thursday, September 18, 2008


Sarah Palin is an innocent princess from Alaska that John McCain picked as his running mate for the run up to the White House. One may say that he needs the princess as a crowd puller on his campaign trail. This may be true but I suspect there must be something else more important.

Republican gets a strong backing from the Jewish Lobby AIPAC and I suspect that George Bush himself is a neo.con. That's how he managed to get his two terms - first through a court order and second through cheating - both bear the hall marks of AIPAC. Bush is AIPAC's favorite because the dude is dumb enough to be led by the nose. Now that Bush is leaving, the Jews need another dummy to fill his place. That dummy is Sarah Palin.

Republican will no doubt win again this time around although Barrack Obama seems the favorite. Never under estimate the power of the Jews who back Mc.Cain. So the princess will be the Vice President. That 71 year old McCain will not last long. If he does not succumb to cancer, somebody will engineer his death the way they engineered the death of Yassir Arrafat. Then Sarah Palin will be the president the way the Jews plan it.

Sarah Palin is a typical American mum who doesn't really care or understand geo-politics. I gather this from watching her interview with a certain Charlie. She tried to impress him by rattling off the names of presidents of some countries- which Charlie didn't ask!
Knowing this, AIPAC has started giving her lessons the way they tutored Gorge Bush before.. Sarah Palin came out of her class declaring undivided support for Israel. Good student!
The way I see it America has gone to the dogs. The economy is in a mess. Political power, gone. Its people despised through out the world. In 2001, I predicted Bush and his Jewish buddy, Sharon
would mess up the world. And they did. Republican will mess up the world again unless Barrack Obama gets to sit in that Oval Office.

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