Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Please Tell Me

I feel sorry for the Christians. They are burdened by the sin of Adam since the time they were born. As for me I rejoice at being born a Muslim- clean like a piece of white cloth not tainted by the sin of Adam. The Quran tells us after that first act of disobedience, Adam cried his heart out begging God for forgiveness and God has forgiven him.

The God that Muslims and Christian worship is the same God. There is only one God in the whole universe. So what God tells the Muslims about Him forgiving the sin of Adam is applicable to the Christians as well. God's forgiveness of Adam has not been mentioned in the Bible - may be due to an oversight - not the over sight of God but the oversight of ancient scribes who copied and recopied the Bible from the original Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke) to Greek, Latin, German etc

So my friends, please rest assured that you don't have to worry about about Adam's sin that has been passed down to you over the centuries. You have only to worry about your own sin.And I worry about mine.If you cannot accept this argument, its fine by me. Christians say that God is love, caring, compassionate forgiving and ever willing to walk into your heart if you only open the door. I believe that. Muslims also say the same thing. Now then, why wouldn't God with all these attrributes
forgive Adam, the being He created and bears His spirit. It is so unlike of God to cry for vengence and vendetta to take out revenge on the billions of innocent descendants of Adam.

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