Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Castrated Government

I like to follow TV discussions on the on-going events in Gaza. They often discuss on how the conflict there could be ended. Dr.Chandra Muzzafar said it only could be ended if Obama could persuade Israel to stop attacking the Palestinians, allow the refugees to return etc.etc. I wonder why he did not mention that Obama was not in a position to dissuade Israel from carrying out what it has planned. Obama, for that matter, most of the law-makers too have all been castrated by the Jewish Lobby and as a result they have to submit to the Lobby's wishes. I think if we want to help the Palestinians, first we must help the Americans to free themselves from Jewish control. This is one thing Americans and Palestinians share in common. Americans must know it by now that Israel is a liabilty not an asset. The Jews are like a parasite plant that is alowly killing the host tree.

1 comment:

Som said...

Have been introduced to your blog only 2 days ago. Kudos for your effort and interests on the subject posted by you. May I suggest you also write on subjects or events which are closer to home. Terengganu need social and political observers who can bring forth issues which are of interest to the Terengganu citizens wherever they are. Hopefully these efforts will create a more caring and concerned citizens whose views can be a reference point for those in authrity.