Monday, March 2, 2009

Catholics Using the name Allah

I would like to comment on Nik Aziz's claim that "The non Muslims of Mecca were calling their god Allah" (NST Feb 2nd). Before the time of Prophet Muhammad, the teaching of the previous 24 prophets, that used the word Allah had spread throughout the Arab land. However with the passage of time, the teaching became corrupted and moved into the realm of mythology, but the name Allah remained and used by the pagan Arabs during Jahiliyah time. This was the circumstances how the word Allah came to be used by non Muslims that Nik Aziz described.

Today the Catholics in Malaysia want to use the word Allah in their publication. This should not be allowed because they have given Allah an entirely new concept which is a blasphemy in Islam. They say that Allah has a son in the person of Jesus Christ and that Allah walks and sees like human. The Bible says "Adam heard god's foot steps in the garden..." Moses spoke to god face to face.."- statements that are unacceptable to Islam.

The use of the word Allah in Catholic publication will confuse both Catholic and Muslims in Malaysia


Kurt Kuden said...

In Indonesia, 90% of Christian sermon is in Bahasa Indonesia (some parts bahasa jawa) and they use 'Allah' to address their god. So, I always get confused them with our sermonS.

And there is one building owned by a christian company (hospital if i m not mistaken) here in Jogja, and on top of it, there is a big board - 'KELUARGA BESAR ALLAH'

Bustaman said...

There is a very lucid argument here:

eMMa said...

this is what i will answer when they ask!