American are insecure people who would over-react a thousand fold over treats, whether its real or imaginary. let us use their weakness to terrorize them psychologically so that the ensuing anxiety would take their mind off from exporting terrorism to Gaza. The following suggestions would guarantee nation wide alert and they will hit the panic button:
1. Explode a few low intensity explosive devise from time to time at strategic places in different American cities.
2. Leave a suicide bomber vests on planes bound for America or place an AK47 in an unattended luggage at the airports.
3. Keep sending letters laced with anthrax to American law makers
4. Pour arsenic in Lake Michigan where Chicagoan get their drinking water but inform the mayor immediately after that. The objective is to cause panic not to bring death.
5. Set their forest on fire because they have destroyed a lot of properties in Islamic countries
Keep them occupied fighting forest fires so that they would not be a nuisance overseas.