Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quraan Chap 16:123

The Quraan Chapter 16 Verse 123 reads:
"WE have inspired thee O Muhammad with this message: Follow the Creeds of Abraham who turned away from all that is false and was not of those who ascribes divinity to aught besides God"

The Patriarch Abraham is mentioned by all the monotheist religions, Islam Christianity and Judaism.
Muslims mention the name Abraham every time they pray. They ask God to bless Muhammad the way He had blessed Abraham. Muslims believe the more Muhammad is blessed the more power he gets to intercede on behalf of the Muslims on Judgement Day.

From the Verse above, we know that Islam follows the creed of Abraham. Abraham turned away from all that is false. Although he was born in an idol-worshiping community, he himself was not an idol worshiper. In fact he destroyed all the idols but one, in the temple. To a Muslim, Christianity is not of the creed of Abraham because Christians worship images of Jesus and ascribing them divinity status, like the ancestors of Abraham once did.

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