Monday, April 28, 2008

Monsoon Cup

Some time ago, Doto Idris told us he would hold a sail boat competition in the Terengganu River - the Monsoon Cup. He thinks that the rakyat would agree with every thing he says. This is the problem with UMNO. The leaders think they know best. The rakyat should just follow.

After the first Monsoon Cup, he gave reasons to justify the holding of the competition. Firstly to popularize sailing as a sports among the locals. Next to make Duyung a tourist destination.

I disagree

- one week competition without local participation would not do much to arouse interest in sailing
- sailing up and down the river is boring

I suggest

- competition between all the seven districts in Terengganu and anybody else who cares to join
-use locally made boats
-the sailing route should be in the open sea lets say from Kuala Terengganu to Pulau Kapas
-competition needs not be held at the peak of the Monsson. It could be held during the school holidays
- spectators can watch the race from the shore or from TV cameras hooked on helicopters

So Dato' don't be a father figure when you make decision for the rakyat. The rakyat too want to get involved in decision making

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