Monday, November 17, 2008

The Story of My Soul

My soul is the seat of my personality and identity. It is my real self. When I say "I am" I am referring to my soul and not to my physical body where my soul resides. Having said that, I can claim to be immortal and will never experience death. Its my body that will one day die.

My soul has been created by God from an unknown substance not found in this world eons ago at a place known only to God. As such it has no mass or dimension like light or energy that originate from beyond this planet. The soul sometimes known as the spirit of God, was sent to my mother's womb, by an angel, when I was three months old. Before God set me on the journey he made me promise that I would worship Him. What I went through, happens to every body.too. It happened to Jesus son of Mary and for this amazing phenomena, the Christians made him son of God. I am also the son of God and so is every body, not in biological sense but in spiritual sense. Since God gave me this life, I have to live it according to His rules

Death is but the departure of the soul from the body. The soul goes to Alam Akhirat or land of the dead and the body left behind to be interred with the earth. According to Muhammad Asad in his rendering of the Quraan, consciousness survives death and stays with the soul. So the souls communicates with other souls in Alam Akhirat.

On resurrection day, my soul returns to my body that would re-assemble itself. This is no big deal for God. Its a chemical reaction in reverse . Then comes judgment day where God will decide whether I go to paradise or hell.


Anonymous said...

u know what, this is the best post ever ~~~

eMMa said...

yes. thanks to u, i live by this. i think everyone should. explains every good and bad things and everything in betwee. allahu akbar.