Monday, November 17, 2008

Common Christian/Muslim Belief

I am always curious to know what a priest talks about (Khutbah) at Sunday congregations. Today I read on-line the full text of a sermon (Khutbah) from a chruch in New Zealand. What strikes me most is the similarity of the story line with Islam

The priest was talking about John (Nabi Yahya) and he was urging the Christians in the congregation to repent so that the process of "Born again" or reborn into a better person could take place. Such person would be known as "Born-again Christian". Interestingly the role of water is also mentioned in the sermon. According to Islam Nabi Yahya (John) was the 23rd.prophet - one prophet before Jesus. Nabi Yahya used to go round asking Bani Israil (Children of Israel) to repent and return to the teaching of the "Taurat" Torah. After a person had fully repented, he was made to undergo a ritual bathing in the Jordan River, a practice which was later came to be known as baptism. God since the time of the Taurat and the Injil (Bible) right down to the time of the Quraan has been asking mankind to repent and ask for forgiveness. A pious Muslim asks for forgiveness after each daily prayer so that he meets God on Judgment Day with minimal sin. Its good to hear that the church is also asking/ reminding Christians to repent.

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