Saturday, November 15, 2008

Corrupted US Constitution

I know something about the American Constitution. I had to study the subject to fulfill graduation requirements. From the little knowledge that I have, I think George Bush has not been following the constitution. Examples are plentiful and many people know about it already so I am not going to say anything about this. But this I will say. The direction the US Government takes is determined by individual president and not by the will of the people. Once the president decides on a certain course of action, there is nothing much the people can do -like a dictatorial regime. The decision to invade Iraq was of George Bush alone. He could maneuver Congress into endorsing the plan. Today if George Bush so decides, he could bring home all the troops. No big deal.

The invasion of Iraq was about oil. If an America president happens to be addicted to palm oil ,he would cook up excuses to invade Malaysia, the leading producer. Reasons for going to wars in the past in Vietnam, Iraq were all cooked up in Washington and Tel Aviv. Following this there will be regime change. There is no shortage of people in Malaysia who want to be Prime Minister. that American can support to set up a pro American government . Anuar Ibrahim is one of them,

The American Constitution has been corrupted by ruthless people. America today is not what its founding father wanted it to be.

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