Friday, November 28, 2008


I have come across scores of verses in the Quran that describe people who love riches. They make the acquisition of wealth their life-long objective but pay scant attention to spiritual matters. This description fits the American like a glove.They have become a nation of high consumption

Businesses were started to service this consumption needs. Under free enterprise these businesses become so big that they can control the government. They obey no god other than their high priest the mighty dollar. The result - financial mess. This matters to us in Malaysia because today Americans ain't got the money to pay for the things we export to them

I would like to give American an unsolicited one dime advise - stop being a nation of consumption. There are other things more important in life besides a new car.

In a free market economy, that is America, the Jews play such an important role which needs not necessarily work to American interest. Give 'em three trillion dollar bail out today, the critter credit crunch will show it's ugly head again in thirty years.

Time for change

Fighting in the Quran and Bible

If you go to America today, you will find that some of the people there associate Islam with terrorism. On the other hand, if you go to an Islamic country, for example Iran, it's the other way round. The terrorists are the Americans. It's all a matter of perception.

The fact of the matter is, both the Bible and the Quran, prescribe fighting under certain circumstances.

The Quran says, fighting in defense of homeland is a religious obligation. It's a sin to look for excuses to stay away from it. If one dies during the fighting, he / she is considered a martyr who will have eternal life in paradise. This is the case with suicide bombers though many don't agree with it.

The Old Testament legalizes fighting when it comes to evicting settlers off the so called Promised Land. This is exactly what the Judeo-Christians are doing in Palestine today. The fighting instruction in the Bible is specific - slay all the males, spare none except the women. The spoils of war are theirs for the taking

So is it fair to associate any religion with terrorism or to accuse any people being terrorists?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

God's Greeting

Before we make a speech, we say a greeting and the type of greeting made depends on the occasion whether it is formal or informal and it also depends on the type of audience in attendance.

Interestingly, in the Quran, God also greets His audience and the type of greeting He uses depends on who He is addressing. Below are examples of typical greetings:

1. Greeting the Muslims "O Believers.." (Ya ayuhalazi na amanu)
2. Greeting the people who received revelations: "O People of the Book" (Ya ahlil Kitab)
3. Greeting the Israelites: "O Children of Israel" (Ya Bani Israel)
4. Greeting people regardless of their religions "O Children of Adam" (Ya Bani Adam)
5. Greeting humanity: "O Mankind" (Ya ayuhan nas)

From these different greetings, we can conclude that God addresses every body and no one is left out. The message of God is universal. Muhammad is the only prophet entrusted to spread this universal message whereas previous prophets like Moses and Jesus were for the Children of Israel only

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Experience in Holy Land

The Hajj season is here again ! So I would like to describe my experience performing the hajj in 1993.

At the airport, I told my wife that on arrival in Mecca, I would perform a prayer of thank in the vicinity of the kaabah. However I forgot all about it until three days later. During the noon prayer, the mosque was full to capacity. The usher, ushered me to a place in the vicinity of the kaabah under the blazing noon sun. The marble floor was also hot and I had no choice but to perform the noon prayer there with pilgrims from Africa who were oblivious of the heat. My being there was it a coincidence or was it some kind of divine punishment for not fulfilling my promise earlier.

Later in Mina we went for the ritual of stoning the devil at one of the jumrats.There was a huge crowd and I helped some elderly Malaysians to get to the jumrat by jostling and pushing through. They did their stoning. I didn't. Then out of no where, a group of soldiers appeared escorting a VIP to the jumrat for the stoning. The crowd gave way. I joined the VIP and did the stoning with ease. Was it a coincidence that I helped somebody and was helped in return?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Concepts of God

In Christianity God takes human-like form.I used to hear a saying that God created man in His image.So the argument goes God is like human. However image does not necessarily refers to physical appearance but rather to spiritual attributes. So whatever resemblance there is of man and God, it is in spiritual attributes. God's human -like form has been shown in a painting entittled "God". It shows an old man in white robes and long flowing beard, stting on a large ball of what appears like a planet. This humanness of God is further mentioned in the Bible.In Genesis Adam heard "God's foot steps in the garden". In Deautronomy 34:6 when Moses died, God Himself performed the burial of the the Vlley of the Moab. And a few lines below in 34:10 "Since then has not arisen in Israel, a prophet like Moses whom the Lord knew face to face"

With this prevailing belief in the human attribute of God, it is of no wonder that God is said to have sired a son in the person of Jesus Christ. The very human nature of Jesus further strengthened the belief that the Father looks like the Son.

A Muslim on the other hand does not even know what God looks like. God Himself says, He is different from anything a human mind can conceive. Though unseen His presence can be felt seeing the glory of His creation. Though unseen, He hears and He sees every one of His creatures. So Muslims beware. You are being watched! The only time man "can gaze at the countenance of God" is in paradise, the place of eternal life.

Jesus is a prophet of Islam. Having him hanged on the cross of churches amounts to desecrating Islam like the drawing of degrading cartoons of prophet Muhammad by the European, in recent years

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christians,Jews are alike

The Quran says, the Jews believe they are God's Chosen People with special rights not enjoyed by non-Jews.The right of non-Jews is subordinated to that of Jews. In other words, non-Jews are second class. The Christians, especially those in America, seem to share this mind set. For instance, the Americans in order to allay their fear of the so-called terrorists, are prepared to invade Pakistan to prevent the country's nuclear arsenal from falling into the wrong hands. It's alright for Pakistan to be destroyed as long as American can feel safe. As usual an excuse has to be cooked up before the invasion takes place. Maps of India with huge swath of land gone to India are in circulation by the neo con. center.The purpose is to create chaos so that American troops could move in. Obama is already talking about sending more troops to the Afghan war fronts.

Pakistan has been an American ally for more 50 years. But that does not matter. Friendship with America is like a thin vinyl of paint on the surface that peels off easily with the slightest change of temperature.

It amazes me how easily Americans can be made to believe of imminent terrorist attack. It is this same muddled thinking that make them hold to weird theological beliefs like the original sin or the rupture, to mention a few

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christian / Muslim Prayer

I wrote to a Christian web site to find more about the religion. They sent a reply which I reproduce below:
"Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins, please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.I ask you to be in to my heart to be my lord and savior. I want to serve you always"
I would like to take the prayer apart into shorter segments and comment on each.
1. I believe you are the son of God.... This amounts to bringing down the status of God to that of a human being He created. Human begets and begotten but not God.
2. thank you for dying on the cross..... Well, the Quran says, he didn't
3. for my sins ......nobody bears the sin of another. Only God can forgive sin and no one else.
4. give me the gift of eternal life--eternal life is found only in paradise. Admission is at the pleasure of God and no one else
5. I ask you into my life....God is offended if you ask a lesser person instead of Him into your life
6. I want to serve you always .....God takes offence if you serve another person. The Old Testament talks of "Jealous God"
A Muslim would replace this Christian prayer with "O God I believe in You.Thank you for all the good things I am blessed with. I ask for your forgiveness. Please place me among those who received Your guidance. I ask you O God to come into my life and be my savior.I want to serve you always O God. Amen"

Prediction Came True

I did a couple of stories on Sarah Palin during the height of the recent presidential election. I noticed how unready she was at political rallies and interviews. So in one of the stories I wrote that she should quit running for public office and instead go into advertising, in eye wear for instance or alternatively, hosting TV talk shows. Her good look, charm and experience in running for vice president job, are her strong selling points.

Today I am particularly excited when I read the CNN net work that Palin is going to do TV shows in which popular Oprah is also involved. It looks like they can work together, although in the last presidential election, they were in different camps. This is one thing good about America. After the election they cross party line and come together again. This rarely happens in Malaysia. After the election, rivals tend to keep their distance

I made a few other wild shots, meaning wild predictions especially about Obama. So I am waiting for next year to see whether they come out true or not

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Short-Lived Excitement

The excitement over Obama's victory is short lived. He does not live up to our expectation. We expected him to keep to his promise such getting out of Iraq in 16 months. This is not going to happen. He also says war is illegal. This is just a vote catching gimmick. As for wars, it is business as usual.

Obama's administration would not be of much difference as Bush's. He has surrounded himself with people of hawkish views as well as people who once voted for the Iraq invasion such as John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. These people are likely to end up in Obama's cabinet. Besides this Obama has a few Jews in his circle such as Rahm Emanuel.

I have been right all along. It makes no difference who sits in the oval office because real power is in the hands of the jews who stay in the back ground. They are a potent force in the American political system

Friday, November 21, 2008

How not to.......

How not to despise America when the world is facing the specter of recession and America is responsible for this malaise? Their mortgage problem in housing market and the subsequent speculation of derivative market bring about the collapse of Wall Street that sends ripples throughout the world. A few companies in Malaysia have to cut down production or threatened with close down then followed by lay-off. Among the people affected. would be my own daughter Why must we be made to suffer because of mistakes done by Americans?

How not to feel disgusted with American when they are taking the lion's share of the world resources and own 59% of its wealth? In spite of this they are still going out for more. And to think that American constitute only 6% of the world population. The rest of the world has to make do with whatever is left. So we see people people in Africa and Haiti dying of hunger.

How not to hate America when Muslim countries are continually being targeted and terrorized all done in the f... war on terror where innocent people at wedding feasts got killed.

How not to be mad at the f.... Jews who goaded Americans to do all this?

How not to feel sorry for Americans who worship Jesus Christ who himself was not even a Christian!.They don't know it they are Cross-tians instead - cross worshipers . As such Christianity has failed miserably to put America on high moral ground. It failed to bring about a civil society that is just and humane. Prove it otherwise,

Well I have spoken my mind. I have never spoken like this before.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Follow the Leader

Its rainy season now, stay indoor most of the time, watching TV a lot more than before. History Channel is my favorite program.

I would like to cite three persons in history, living in different centuries and sharing several things in common. They were not very intelligent but happened to be in a position of power. The irony is that people followed their leaderships and the outcomes, disastrous. How far different are humans compared to a herd of cattle stampeding across the plain, led by the leader in front?

In the 19th century, the emperor of China became indisposed at a time when European started coming to China's shore. The emperor then let his favorite concubine to counsel him what to do with the "white barbarians" Taking her advice, the emperor issued an order to have them imprisoned. A war ensued and the outcome, a humiliating defeat for China.

In the 20th century a not-too-intelligent Adolf Hitler mobilized the German army in an attempt to get hegemony in Europe. The outcome was also a disaster.

Then in the 21st century, a president, some Americans described as an idiot, George Bush attempted to control the Middle East and everybody knows the outcome there.

So the saying, history repeats itself

American Prejudice

Some anti-Obama Americans say it is a sin to have him as president and they quote the Bible where Jesus warned not to pray to other god. And Obama is not a god.

There is no where in the Bible that says "Take not a black man or a Muslim as thy leader" In the absence of such prohibition, Obama has not infringed any Biblical covenant.

This malady of the American mind is what causes Islamophobia and the drive against the wearing of head scarf. Americans do not even know why they hate or fear something

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


From the Quran and the Hadith (Saying of the Prophet) I get the impression that paradise is a place filled with gardens, orchards, rivers and stately mansions of dwellers of paradise. The gardens are not only pleasing to the eyes but produce fragrance that appeal to the senses. The orchards abound with fruits of all types, you name it, its there. Grapevines, dates, berries , citrus and melons all ready for picking. I think my favorite fruit, durian, is also in the list because it says "all types".Three are rivers overflowing with milk. There are rivers overflowing with honey and wine too! You won't get drunk drinking it.

The dwellers of paradise are of the same age - 33 years old. So its kind of hard to tell between grandpa and grandson. Folks in paradise converse in Arabic. I think the language is simply "installed" into them like computers. Their memories and their experience of the once long gone earthly days survive death and continue in their consciousness in paradise. So there is a lot of things to talk about to pass the time. Prophet Muhammad says everybody in paradise experiences a sense of bliss and well being. There is no sickness, no death, living forever. Its hard for us today to comprehend time that goes on and on without end.

A family on earth remains a family in paradise assuming that nobody drops off to hell during the grueling test on Judgment Day. A man in paradise who so inclined towards a second wife may chose a "maiden of paradise" the Quran describes "maids of modest gaze, most beautiful of eyes"
(Al-Saffat, 48) There is no procreation in paradise. No seed is ensued during sexual activity. Otherwise paradise will be full of children!

Above all, the best thing in paradise is the opportunity and the privilege to "Gaze at the countenance of Allah" - the Creator of all things.

Today I have a place I consider my own little private paradise. It is my back yard where I take my afternoon naps under the shade of cempaka trees. During flowering seasons, the trees produce fragrance too, but I think it is not as good as that in real paradise. As I doze off to sleep, with half closed eyes, I watch the cloud through breaks in the branches where little birds hop and chirp in merriment. The breeze that blows is refreshing. All that I ask from Allah is a place like this in any corner of His paradise. Any corner will do as long as it is not in hell

Arabic - Special Language

When I was a student at N.I.U. a professor told us Arabic was a special language in the sense that it has a lot of back-up grammar system and redundacy features to forestall possible ambiguity and misinterpretation. For instance Arabic verbs inflect fourteen times whereas English only five. Besides this, Arabic has masculine and femine gender many more times than the English gender "he" and "she". Today, the professor would be delighted if he knew that the Quraan is in complete agreement with him. God explains why the Quraan is revealed in the Arabic tongue.In Chap.39:48 "as a discourse in the Arabic tongue free of all deviousness...."

However the professor said two more things that are not applicable to the Quraan and he needs not feel unduly upset over it. First he said languages change over the centuries . This is true of English. That is why we have Old English and Modern English. But change did not happen with the Quraan. It remains the same for more than 1400 years. Secondly he said it is impossible for a person to commit into memory something he does not understand. Again this is not applicable to the Quraan. In Malaysia there "Hafiz" (Quraan Reciters) who can memorize the whole Quraan even though he might not understand the meaning fully without refering to the translation. Perhaps, it is because the entire Quraan from the first page to the last page is a poetry. Not only there is ryhme at at the end of every line but there is also allieration of words in every line

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Western Custom / Culture

When I was a boy, I attended the burial of a soldier who got killed in a fire fight with the communist terrorists. After the burial ended, several soldiers stepped forward and let go a volley into the air. Villager were puzzled by what they saw. Such Western military practice should not have been introduced in the first place. I am glad that when I reached adulthood, the practice was discontinued.. However one more military custom still remains to this day. I am talking about the laying of wreath at the National Monument. The ceremony is elaborate and its a waste of time. There is the saluting amidst the refrain of the last post. Who is being saluted? The monument? There are other ways to honor the death which are simple and conform to Islam. A short prayer service can reach the dead but not the sound of the last post.

Another carry over of the Western culture is the birth day celebration. A cake and some lighted candles are displayed. I don't like the idea of blowing the candles. A lot of bacteria may settle down on the cake. And we have to eat the cake later. Birthday is the time for thanksgiving and not merry making. So one must thank God for making it possible to reach the age - whatever age

Another thing I would like to comment is the Olympic Games which Malaysia always takes seriously. The game is definitely foreign. The large amount of money spent on it is not worth it. No Malaysian would ever find the need to run 100 meters under 10 seconds. We have motor bikes.The money spent would buy us 50 gold medals. Thats the easiest and the cheapest way of getting gold. Glory? What glory? We can't eat the stuff.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Story of My Soul

My soul is the seat of my personality and identity. It is my real self. When I say "I am" I am referring to my soul and not to my physical body where my soul resides. Having said that, I can claim to be immortal and will never experience death. Its my body that will one day die.

My soul has been created by God from an unknown substance not found in this world eons ago at a place known only to God. As such it has no mass or dimension like light or energy that originate from beyond this planet. The soul sometimes known as the spirit of God, was sent to my mother's womb, by an angel, when I was three months old. Before God set me on the journey he made me promise that I would worship Him. What I went through, happens to every body.too. It happened to Jesus son of Mary and for this amazing phenomena, the Christians made him son of God. I am also the son of God and so is every body, not in biological sense but in spiritual sense. Since God gave me this life, I have to live it according to His rules

Death is but the departure of the soul from the body. The soul goes to Alam Akhirat or land of the dead and the body left behind to be interred with the earth. According to Muhammad Asad in his rendering of the Quraan, consciousness survives death and stays with the soul. So the souls communicates with other souls in Alam Akhirat.

On resurrection day, my soul returns to my body that would re-assemble itself. This is no big deal for God. Its a chemical reaction in reverse . Then comes judgment day where God will decide whether I go to paradise or hell.

Common Christian/Muslim Belief

I am always curious to know what a priest talks about (Khutbah) at Sunday congregations. Today I read on-line the full text of a sermon (Khutbah) from a chruch in New Zealand. What strikes me most is the similarity of the story line with Islam

The priest was talking about John (Nabi Yahya) and he was urging the Christians in the congregation to repent so that the process of "Born again" or reborn into a better person could take place. Such person would be known as "Born-again Christian". Interestingly the role of water is also mentioned in the sermon. According to Islam Nabi Yahya (John) was the 23rd.prophet - one prophet before Jesus. Nabi Yahya used to go round asking Bani Israil (Children of Israel) to repent and return to the teaching of the "Taurat" Torah. After a person had fully repented, he was made to undergo a ritual bathing in the Jordan River, a practice which was later came to be known as baptism. God since the time of the Taurat and the Injil (Bible) right down to the time of the Quraan has been asking mankind to repent and ask for forgiveness. A pious Muslim asks for forgiveness after each daily prayer so that he meets God on Judgment Day with minimal sin. Its good to hear that the church is also asking/ reminding Christians to repent.

Back Breaking Jobs

The jobs of a prime minster or a president is back breaking yet there are people who stake their lives on getting the job. In Malaysia there are two men vying for the job of the next prime minister. Anuar is doing it by dubious means, enticing law makers into his camp. The other person, Razaleigh is trying to make up for his loss in his first bid to unseat Mahathir years ago. Both Anuar and Razaleigh are trying to get even with Mahathir. In other word they practice a politic of revenge. We should not send such people to Putrajaya.

What does one get when one becomes the prime minister? Fame, glory power? To me, these are not worth fighting for. Or is it because of one's conviction and he looks for an opportunity to lead the country to greater height. Agreed. But why are the prime minster's children so rich?. They seem to get all the choicest government contracts

Why did Obama want to be president, knowing fully well that he could live comfortably on his lawyer's income in Chicago without having to go to Washington. Then he would have more time with his family and also more time for basket ball. Looking at the mighty task Obama is facing, I think Mc.Cain is happy that he lost the race. Now he can sleep nights in the evening of his life. I think Obama has a conviction, a mission that he wants to carry through.

So that is what being prime minster or president all about. As for me, we all enjoy betting on our favorite horse every time the race begins

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lets Share God!

I don't know exactly what has been resolved in the numerous Inter-Faith Dialogues between Christian and Muslims over the years in Europe and North America. I think we should not highlight differences rather we should focus on similarities common in both religions.

I think the commonest thing between Christians and Muslim, is their worship of the same God but known by different names. There could be no other God! There is only one in the whole wide universe. In other word, lets share God! A Christian would not be less Christian if he says his God is also worshiped by Muslims. In the same way, a Muslim incurs no sin if he says Allah is also being worshiped by Christian or for that matter by the Jews too.

Besides belief in common god, they should also discuss things that bedevil humanity for decades such as economic turmoil, family relationship, crime and terrorism, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. The Koran has a lot of this. Lets put religion to solve social problems.

Avoid the temptation of saying who is right and who is wrong or who is great and who is not. Leave all ego out side at the door of the meeting room

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Allah / Father - the Same

Pat Robertson, the American evangelist, has made some disturbing remarks about Islam. One such remark was his claim that Muslims do not worship the same God as the Christians. I do not know whether his claim was based on any specific Biblical verse or was just a mere heresy. In response to this, I would like to quote the Koran Chapter 29 Verse 46 "and do not argue with the followers of earlier revelations otherwise then in a most kindly manner... for our God and your God is one and the same it is unto Him we surrender ourselves"

"Followers of earlier revelation" refer to the followers of Moses and Jesus. Muslim are warned not to argue with them and if it is absolutely necessary, argue it " in a most kindly manner" That is exactly what I am trying to do now. In the last part of the verse, God Himself says followers of the earlier revelations pray to the same God as Muslims.

Muslims worship Allah which the Christians refer to as the "Father" and the Jews also worship Allah but they refer to Him as "Yahweh". Not only that, Muslims hold Moses and Jesus in high esteem as prophets of Islam

Corrupted US Constitution

I know something about the American Constitution. I had to study the subject to fulfill graduation requirements. From the little knowledge that I have, I think George Bush has not been following the constitution. Examples are plentiful and many people know about it already so I am not going to say anything about this. But this I will say. The direction the US Government takes is determined by individual president and not by the will of the people. Once the president decides on a certain course of action, there is nothing much the people can do -like a dictatorial regime. The decision to invade Iraq was of George Bush alone. He could maneuver Congress into endorsing the plan. Today if George Bush so decides, he could bring home all the troops. No big deal.

The invasion of Iraq was about oil. If an America president happens to be addicted to palm oil ,he would cook up excuses to invade Malaysia, the leading producer. Reasons for going to wars in the past in Vietnam, Iraq were all cooked up in Washington and Tel Aviv. Following this there will be regime change. There is no shortage of people in Malaysia who want to be Prime Minister. that American can support to set up a pro American government . Anuar Ibrahim is one of them,

The American Constitution has been corrupted by ruthless people. America today is not what its founding father wanted it to be.

Why Foreign Policy?

When I was a college senior in Illinois, an American was adamant that South America refers to Texas - the southern state, he said. So I was not surprised when Governor Palin refers to Africa as a country instead of a continent. She was not the only one who got her geography wrong. George Bush also got into this mess. He reffered to a foreign head of a state but of a wrong country. This ignorance is but the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more ignorance below the surface - cultural and historical ingnorance so on and so forth. To think these are the people who would run foreign policy, is frightening. Its true they read up books on foreign policies before they take up the job. But the books themselves were written by American. Not all of them were accurate. Sometimes these writers refer to each other's inaccurate books as refferance! I have read some of them. This is how it could have been written. Somebody comes to Malaysia for a week or two travel around a bit then return home to write a book! Presto he becomes on expert on Malaysia over night!

In the first place why do American need foreign policies at all? A foreign policy means nothing lmore then meddling in other country's affairs. Its best that American stay home and mind their own business. We want to be left alone. Don't bother us. If this is observed the war on terror ends, There will be no more problem on home land security, no Islamophobia and no Ameriphobia.

Americans are welcomed to our shores as traders and tourists. Leave your weapons behind. We don't want you to start a war. Bring your cameras, like the Japanese and also don't forget your wallets.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ownership in Islam

I am prompted into writing this after I read that last year George Soros and his associates made US$6.1 billion. In Islam, a man can never own anything because God claims ownership of everything between "heaven and earth" including you yourself. Whatever a man "owns" for example a house, it is given to him by God on trust. A person may say, he build the house himself but he still cannot get away with it because he is using God's building material. Again he may say he buys the house, but he still cannot escape it as his income is provided by God. God is the sustainer, the provider and He provides us air, water, food and other material things. Clever as he is man in incapable of creating a grain of rice or a drop of water. If it is not for the air God provides, man dies in ten minutes.

Man is encouraged to share whatever he owns. "Perform thy prayer and pay thy tithe" is the oft repeated verse in the Koran and it is also mentioned in the original Bible of the Dead Sea Scroll. Income Tax is in the Koran. It is mandatory. It is supposed "to cleanse" your wealth because the poor has a right over a portion of your wealth. The Koran lists down people who are entitled to the portion. If you chose to keep the portion for the poor, your wealth is considered "unclean" and it will not be blessed.

An Alternative To Usury

The Jews have been in the money making business since Biblical time. Both the Bible and the Koran speak of the evil of usury which they practiced. Five hundred years ago, Shakespeare described this evil in his play "The Merchant of Venice" where Shylock, the Jew tried to get back the money he lent to a friend even though it meant the death of the borrower. I think it was the Jews who developed and refined the practice of usury to what it is today. Banking became their exclusive domain because the Bible abiding Christians of Europe and North America then kept themselves away from usury until the last hundred years.

During the last 200 years the famous Jewish family, the Rothschild set up banking networks in Europe and North America. Lehman of Wall Street is a well known example. The banking system they set up formed the back bone of American Capitalism. Today we can see for ourselves the weakness of the system.

The Christian West has not done anything to find an alternative to usury. In this I am proud to say that Malaysia has developed an Islamic based banking system which has found acceptance in some countries in the Middle East. I am also happy to hear representatives from EU and USA have started looking at Islamic banking. I hope prejudice against Islam would not stand in the way.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Jew For US President

It is possible that one day day a Jew will the president of USA. To be eligible for candidacy, a person must of course be a US citizen and above all born there. There are many such Jews in United States. Other requirements are easily fulfilled, one of which is a strong financial backing - no problem, they hold the purse string. Media support is no problem either. They have already controlled the media.

A Jewish president would be a disaster for the Middle East. Israel will start its Greater Israel Program- territorial expansion in line with Jewish belief of Promised Land that stretches from the Euphrates to the Nile. The Koran says Jews belief they are the Chosen People as such others are subordinate to them. Their foreign policy would reflect this belief.

Today the Jews control the world by proxy and when their kind becomes president, global control will be total. I would not be surprised if Israel becomes the next state in the union

Osama Vs Obama

Why is Obama so determined to catch this guy Osama? If he catches him, how is he going to prove that Osama was the perpetrator of 9/11. Evidence has shown that it was an inside job that brought down the towers. Osama did not have the expertise or the technology of building demolition, but America has ! The trial would uncover a huge pandora box where George would be hauled to court to testify only to get himself implicated. The cost of hunting down Osama and the subsequent trial, would be enormous - enough to rebuild the towers.

Catching Osama would not in any way improve America's standing overseas. It would take decades to rid itself of its gangster image. My advice is leave Osama alone. Not only that, leave the Afghans alone to manage their country. Americans should leave, they entered the country illegally in the first place without any valid travel documents. If at all Osama is caught, send him for trial at the Hague. Its the only place he would get a fair trial

Islamiphobia Vs.Ameriphobia

The West is suspicious of the Muslims. They even have a word for this. Islamiphobia they call it. The reason for this suspicion - Muslim bombing of Bali, Madrid and London. Leave out the 9/11 of New York. We don't know who did it. It could be Osama or it could even be George himself.

The Islamic World is suspicious of America. We don't have a word for this yet. So let me give one. Ameriphobia. How does that sound?. The reason for this suspicion - the bombing of Iraq and Afghanistan. Every body knows who did it. America.

Every sane person wants the bombing to stop. America should take the initiative because they started it first and caused a much bigger destruction in which a country was destroyed and a million people killed. The Muslims on the other hand destroyed only a night club in Bali, a train in Madrid and a few buses in London. The number of people killed was less than a thousand. That's small when compared to destruction Made in USA. That makes George a bigger terrorist than Osama.

Islamiphobia and Ameriphobia should not go on forever. They would burn up the world. However there is one disturbing prophecy in the Koran. The children of Israel would create corruption on earth. They have already done this. Another prophecy says Muslims will win finally.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Muslim President

John F.Kennedy and Barack H. Obama share a few things in common when elected presidents such as their youthfulness and their oratory skills. Besides this they profess religions which are off the American main stream. Kennedy was a Catholic and Obama, a Muslim. If Americans could accept Kennedy's religious difference fifty years ago, why couldn't they accept Obama today? Catholic and Islam share a common ancestry this is reason enough for acceptance. Religions of presidents do not matter much. Look at George Bush. He is a Christian of main stream America and he has created such a big mess.

Personally I think American can benefit more from a Muslim president. For one thing, most Muslims are God-fearing people. They hesitate to carry out something, if that goes against the teaching of their religion. There will be no lying or cheating like what marred the Bush administration. In warfare, Islam has rules of engagement. Collateral damage would be a thing of the past. In business, one has to play the game by the rules that specify what is legal and what is not. So there will be no melt down on Wall Street.

A Muslim president is accountable before God. He keeps himself in check because if he doesn't, he is going to have a hard time explaining himself before God on Judgment Day.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama is a Muslim!

I think Barack Husein Obama is a Muslim for the following reasons:
1. We were told Obama's father was not a practicing Muslim but he was a Muslim nevertheless as long as he believed in Allah and Muhammad was His messenger. How does a person reject something that he believes? As for Obama's father not practicing Islam, that's another matter. A Muslim man can marry a Christian. Such marriage is recognised by Islam on condition that the child born from this marriage follows the faith of the father as the case with Obama.
2. Only a Muslim would give his child a Muslim name. Barack Obama's middle name is Husein. Obama's father knew fully well the liability of having a Muslim name in a predominantly Christian America but he gave the name all the same.
3. After Obama's parents saperated , his father married a Kenyan and a child born from this marriage was also given a Muslim name - Malik, Obama's half brother. All this show the Muslimness of Obama's father.
4. Obama attended a religious school in Indonesia. The authority in Indonesia said it was an ordinanry school but Muslims know the Indonesians were lying for some reason or other. A child attending such school learns to read the Koran and the rudiments of Islam

The Forces of Evil

I am writing about George Bush again ! I cannot help it for now he has become an interesting subject for religious study. You see, he speaks about evil as in "The Axis of Evil". By this he acknowledges the existance of the Force of Evil in God's universe. Incidentally Islam believes the same.

The only way to ward off evil is by having faith in God and complies with all His rules. I don't think that George follows all God's rules. There are not no so many God's rules in the Bible any way when compared to the Koran. The Koran talks about the waywardness of the Children of Israel and the Bible too talks about their rebellious nature. Now the Koran says any community that turns away from God, is denied the luxury of Divine guidance and succumbs to evil.

The Koran has a word for Evil Force and the word is "al-taghut". I would like to quote Muhammad Asad, translator of the Koran who says "al-taghut" apparently circumscribes the seductive force of certain evil ambitions or desires - like striving after power for its own sake, aquisition of wealth by exploiting one's fellow beings, social advancement by all manner of immmoral means, and so forth - any of which may cause man to lose all spiritual orientation, and the enslavement of his passion".

The description fits George Bush like a well tailored suit !

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Excitement Wears Off

I was excited when Obama won the Nov.4th election. So were most people in the Muslim World. We thought Obama would undo all that George Bush did in the Middle East. Today, however I am less excited especially after I went over Obama's speeches. He talks about sending more troops to Afghanistan. His statements on Iran are fimiliar - they all sound like George Bush.

I became more disheartened when I learned that Obama surrounded himself with Jewish advisers. He picked on Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff. Emanuel was an Israeli citizen and a member of the Likud Party. His job is to oversee the White House staff and to draw up the presidents program - who he should see and what he should do.. And for adviser for the Middle East Affairs, Obama picked another Jew by the name of Dennis Ross. He would advise Obama, the way Tel Aviv wants it. Obama's strategist, David Axecelrod is also a Jew. Its no wonder then American policies in the Middle East are so one sided. Are we going to see the same thing again for the next four years?

One point of consolation though - Obama is an intelligent person, unlike George Bush who allows himself to be led by the nose like an Asian water buffalo.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pillaging USA

When George Bush and Dick Cheney finish their terms in January next year, each of them will cart home billions ill gotten dollars .. It is hard to imagine how big this amount is. Well, this mighty sum of money exceeds Malaysia's national budget for a year. What do these former president and VC need all the money for? We cannot figure it out.

This is how George, Dick and their other cohorts get the money. Some of the corporation that benefit from the recent 700 billion dollar bails -out were politically connected to George. In other words these corporations were his cronies. Imagine, tax payers' money being used to prop up these ailing corporations!

As for Dick, he is the boss of the contractor giant, Halliburton that supplies all the needs of the 140,000 troops in Iraq. These needs run all the way up from toilet paper to petrol for the war machines.

Then there are the weapon industries in America and Israel that benefit from opening new war fronts. War is good business in America. - and in Israel too. They think it is alright to subjugate the mass so that the elite rich could piss out in golden toilet bowls

Where is Obama going to get the money to start his development programs?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear George

You will exit the White House soon. There are folks out there in Iraq, those you call terrorists , whose families got wiped out in the invasion and they want to settle old scores with you. So when you go back to Texas, make sure you have enough secret service guys with you to keep the assasin away. I heard that if they can't get you when you are alive, they will blow up your tombstone instead. You know how they feel. Saddam once tried to kill your dad.

Now that your second term has come to a close, its time to ask youself what has been your contribution to your fellow Americans as well as to your fellow inhabitants of planet earth? Nothing that I can think of. My feeling about the whole thing can best be described by an e-mail I sent to Rev.Mark Roberts a few years ago. It goes " America is a Christian country and its president ,a born-again Christian who reads the Bible every day (So he told us) but why does he display such unChristian behavior like going on rampage killing people and plundering their oil wells as if possessed by demon". The reverend did not make a reply.

There are enough evidence to charge you for crime against humanity. A group of lawyers in America in fact is trying to charge you for murder.

Monday, November 3, 2008

If Obama Wins

If Obama wins, which is likely, I look forward to seeing the Rule of Law revived by the new adminstration as opposed to lawlessness of the previous regime in its foreign policy dealings. America's dealing with the rest of the world - political, economic or military - should conform to internationally accepted norms - no invasion of sovereign countries with no good reason, no incurssion into foreign nations for whatever guise or pretext.

If America wants to be a world leader respected by all, it should lead by example such as taking issues, economic or political to the world forum at the United Nations and not by arm twisting or military treats. To be fair to everybody, America should use its veto power with restrain especially when it comes to United Nation Resolutions on Israel.

We would like America to be one of us and not one of them.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Muslim Labels

I read in the paper recently about a bishop in England who proposed Muslim Marriage Laws in the country. I do not know what has happened to this proposal. Nothing has been heard since then. I have a feeling the bishop hesitates in pushing the proposal futher for fear of reprisal from the public. You see Islam is a dirty word to some people in the West.

Muslim Marriage Laws are dealt in length in both the Koran and the Tradition of Prophet Muhammad. In the Koran the laws cover a wide range of topics such as rights and responsibilities of husband and wife, divorce, reconciliation, alimony and how to split properties in the event of separation or death of spouse. The Tradition of the prophet go into yet further details even the most intimate ones, like fore play before love making as well as the prohibition against anal intercourse in heterosexual relationship.

Though a Muslim I accept parts of the Bible that are not in conflict with the Koran and I think the Christians too should reciprocate by accepting Muslim Marriage Laws that are not in conflict with the Bible. We should not be too brand conscious. Some Christians think Islam is an inferior brand of religion compared to Christianity, an established brand.

I think a Hindu marriage custom would be more palatable to the West because it does not have the word Islam in it. On a similar note if Obama were to have name like Barrak Fujimori Obama instead of Barrack Husein Obama, then he would not have problem with some American voters. You see American can accept a Japanese American for president but never a black Muslim American!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wall Street and Usury

Al-Imran (130)" O YOU, who have attained to faith! Do not gorge yourself on usury, doubling and redoubling it..."Usury has been with us for a long time. It was already there when prophets walked the earth. It was probably invented by the Jews who today have such a knack for financial wizardry. God, however , condemned usury in both the Bible and the Quraan. When God says NO you don't argue with Him. Your God-given intelligence is limited and you are no match for a debate with Him.

Wall Street thrives on usury or interest taking. Their CEOs worship the god profit. That's the only thing they care. They have no social responsibility as spelled out by the Holy Books.

Malaysia has taken steps to make financial institutions operate as close as possible to Islamic teaching. It works this way. Ali buys oranges that Abu grows. Ali then sells the oranges to Ahmad at a profit. That's permissible. At a different level, Ali wants to buy a house that costs $100,000.00 and he doesn't have this kind of money so he asks a bank to buy this house for him. Then he buys from the bank at a slighly higher price. No interest is involved.

Recently leaders from Europe and United States were saying that they would look into the Islamic Banking System to see whether there was anything they could adept.