Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Is USA a sovereign state?

The irony of the 21st.century is that the world sole super power, the United States of America is not a sovereign state in the true sense of the word. It is a vassal of Israel. It's politics and economy are controlled by that state.. Real power in United States, rests in the hand of the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the most powerful Jewish Lobby in the country. The Committee provides funding for every politician- Democrat and Republican alike- who want to run for public office. One estimate puts it between 30%-40% of campaign expenses gets Jewish backing. As a result, politicians all the way from congressman to president are indebted to their sponsors. They are afraid to speak out against Israel. A few tried, and the result, elimination from the political scene. It happened to Collin Powell and it happened to George Bush Sr.The former got kicked out of the cabinet and the later didn't get the second term. Even George Bush Jr. once almost got himself eliminated too. He told Ariel Sharon to stop messing in the West Bank and a week later he retracted and instead called Sharon "A man of peace". Somebody must have pressured him to say that.

The Jews get the American to fight their wars in the Middle East. American soldiers are dying in droves in these useless wars that only benefit Israel. This is a clear case of America inability to make their own decision because it has become Israel's mule.

Every one knows that Jews control the American economy. In a free market economy, American cannot compete with the Jews whose financial wizardry and genius is well known. Bring in a hundred of them into Malaysia and in ten years they will take over all our banks and start bribing our politicians as well in order to get a political base

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Money Talks

Yes, money talks. The Jews have a lot of it. They have bought America. Yes, America belongs to them- it's government and it's banks too.I feel sorry for the American. The have lost a country George Wahington fought for.

The former Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon made his famous remark in the Knesset "Don't worry. We control America" And Dr.Mahathir, the former Malaysian prime minister in recent posting of his blog said an American president must be endorsed by the Jews.

Now the bloody Jews are attacking Gaza in American make planes with American make bombs. The American sit back and watch and pay lip service reminding the Jews not to hit civilian areas. The justification for the attack - Hamas sends rockets into Israel. This argument cannot be used. It is like telling the Iraqis not to fire mortars into the American green zone in Baghdad. Who the hell in the first place ask those bloody American to be there?

The only way to resolve the Israeli/Palestine conflict is by killing America and Israel economically .Boycott all their products. To hell with McDonald and KFC and Coca Cola. Why is produce of Israel sold in our supermarkets?

Israel is a pariah state and it is dragging America along with it into becoming another pariah state itself.

Discovering Christianity

I find Christianity interesting. I keep discovering new things about the religion. For instance it says, Adam created from soil is inferior to Jesus created from Mary and the spirit of God. Adam was also morally inferior to Jesus. He was tempted by the devil and he failed miserably. On the other hand Jesus was tempted by the devil for forty days and he passed with flying colors. A Christian wrote:

" Adam did not pass Satanic Test and sinned and thereby lost his initial status and was ordered out of the Garden of Eden. But Jesus passed all satanic tests which logically implies comparative superiority in him"

Adam created the Original Sin which is passed down the generation. There is no way one can get out of it because one is born with it. Christianity is the struggle to get rid of this sin. The only way to do it - to get salvation- is by giving your life to Jesus, the son of God. The hard part of it is that one can only reach God through the son.

Muslims believe that Adam was put to test because it was all of part of God's plan to make man a creature of free choice having the ability to choose between right and wrong, good and bad, obedience and disobedience. After taking the test Adam was able to see right from wrong. He realized it was wrong to go about naked. So he quickly covered himself up. Animals did not take the test that Adam took. That is why today they go about naked

Muslims believe that Jesus was not the only one who received the Spirit of God. Adam received it too. So is every body and that is why human beings are conscious of God. Adam is neither superior or inferior to Jesus. However, Adam should be given the credit for being the pioneer of free choice. Jesus is superior than all of us in the sense that he was sinless (Mak Sum) and so were all the prophets right down to Muhammad

Monday, December 29, 2008

My Quest For Trinity

I am always intrigued by this concept Trinity. So I looked it up in the Bible but could not find anything about it. Next I looked it up in the Chamber's Dictionary. Not much help either. Then I met this guy Sam, a Gulf War veteran visiting Malaysia. He said Trinity is like water. It can exist as a solid, as a liquid and as a gas- same substance but in different forms but I could not equate that with the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Then I asked a Malaysian christian. He saw that I was sincere and not looking for an opportunity to bash his belief. So he explained, in all sincerity, the Father refers to God the almighty, the Son to Jesus of course, I knew about that already. But the new thing I learned about Jesus is that he was God incarnated in a human body. And as for the Holy Ghost, it is also God when He is not inside a human body. All this is small matter for most people. They just brush it aside. But not for me. Can't help thinking about it. How the followers of Jesus were once our brethren but today have gone seperate ways-- and worse, at each other's throats

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Bible in Malay

Recently a Malaysian bishop said he would like the Bible translated into Malay. Whatever for? Malaysian christians are more at home with English. Translating the Bible is no easy task especially when it comes to translating concepts. The translator must be careful not to encroach into the domain of Islam because Muslims will feel offended. Christians refer to their God as Father. Father should not be translated as Allah as some Chriatians have done. Allah is a proper name exclusively for the Muslim God only. The Son cannot be translated as "Anak" in Malay. The idea of sonship is repugnant to Islam. Then again what about Biblical stories like God himself performed the burial rites of Moses.
In Malay it would be "Tuhan sendiri yang menkebumikan Nabi Musa" How does that sound?

Translating the Quran into Malay would not in any way spread the message of Christinity so it is not worth the trouble

The Prime Minister and the White Man

Our first Prime Minister, Tunku was a fun-loving man who liked telling tales spiced with humor. For instance when we first got our independence way back in 1957, Tunku hired a British photographer to take official photos of VIPs. During a photo session with the cabinet ministers, the photographer had a hard time trying to get everybody to smile. So Tunku stepped forward and asked the photographer to say instead the Malay word for woman's private part! In no time everyone was smiling from ear to ear. Take a look at those photos of the first cabinet ministers.

However trouble soon began. Tunku learned that the photographer was on his way to the palace to take photos of the king. A dispatch rider was immediately sent to intercept the photographer to warn him not to say the offending Malay word before the king. Today take a look at the photograph of the king on our currency notes. He wasn't smiling at all.

The American president, Lyndon B. Johnson, once visited Malaysia and Tunku took him to a Land Development Scheme which later came to be known as "Kampung LBJ" or "LBJVILLE". While the president and his entourage were walking around, a monkey - apparently some body's pet - appeared and started making obscene gestures at him. Tunku, diplomatically explained the monkey was trying to say good bye. When Johnson was about to get into his car, he bid farewell to the Prime Minster, the way he saw the monkey did it earlier.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Common Misunderstanding

I am writing in response to comments posted on the Islamicity Website. A Canadian wrote that the belief in Jesus crucifixion was based on eye-witness account and Muhammad who lived 600 years after Jesus, thousand of miles away was in no position to say anything about crucifixion. The Canadian was right. Muhammad did not know anything about it until God mentioned it to him in the Quran that Jesus was never crucified. Now it is the word of God against the word of the eye-withness.Who is more credible? The Bible bears the work of human hands whereas the Quran does not.

In the same website, even a Muslim from Pakistan, said that Jesus was killed and probably believed in the crucifixion as well, based on the Quran Chapter 4 Verse 157 "And they boast"We have slain the Christ Jesus son of Mary who claimed to be an apostle of God". In this, God was merely quoting what the people who boast said. "We" does not refer to God. Down the line of the same verse, God says "However, they did not slay him but only seemed to them" Muslims must be very careful when reading the Quran.

Also in the same web-site, an American was visibly annoyed when he said "When will Muslims ever learn that Jesus was not a prophet" I do not want to argue over this because the Quran says Jesus is in the list of the 25 prophets we should believe in.I am not annoyed when the Christians maintain the blasphemous belief that Jesus in the son of God or Paul is an apostle and Muhammad, a false prophet

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jesus and the Last Day

Regarding the Last Day, Christianity and Islam share a few common beliefs but there are also differences.


1. Jesus died on the cross (Based on ................. Jesus did not die on the cross (Based on the
eye witness account) then raised to ................. Quraan) but was raised to heaven all the same
2. At the End of Time, Jesus comes down........... At the End of Time, Jesus comes down to earth
to earth to make every body Christian .............. to break the cross
3. The appearance of anti-Christ ...........................The appearance of Dajjal
4. The emergence of Gog and Magog...................The emergence of Yajuj and Majuj
5. There would be peace on earth..........................There would be peace on earth
6. The Christians try to hasten the coming.............Muslims let God decides the day He wants
of Jesus by creating a sectarian war in send down Jesus
in the holy land (Israel)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why Jews rejected Muhammad

A rabbi proudly proclaimed that the Jews gave the world Islam and Christianity. In other words, according to him, both Islam and Christianity originated from Judaism. The Muslims on the other hand say that Judaism and Christianity are different stages in the development of Islam.

The advent of Muhammad is foretold in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 18:15 in the clearest of term but the Jews rejected it for the following reasons:
1. They were the first people to accept monotheism. In the early stage, God was very pleased with them. So they became swelled headed and began to think of themselves as the "Chosen People". Such being the case, they think only Jews were good enough to be prophets. And Muhammad was an Arab - a non Jew , and so he was not qualified for prophet.
2. Al-Imran Verse 183 says "As for those (Jews) who maintain ' Behold, God has forbidden us not to believe in any apostle unless he comes to us with burnt offering' ".But Muhammad did not bring the required burnt offering and so he was considered a false prophet.

The Jews however were not consistent in the requirement for burnt offering. Both Zachariah and John the Baptist came with burnt offering but the Jews rejected them and killed them. In Matthew xxxiii:37, Jesus expressed his dismay over the killing.

I don't think the Jews will ever come back to Islam. In many places in the Quran God talks about "Putting a veil" over the eyes of the rebellious Jews

Monday, December 15, 2008

War in Afghanistan

I can't make any sense of the war in Afghanistan. What are the Americans, the British and NATO fighting for?? In the absence of tangible reasons, as always, I resort to speculation.

Theory 1 - Americans want to catch hold of Osama, the alleged perpetrators of 9/11 because of three reasons. First Bush wants to be a hero. Secondly he wants to warn the world 'Don't play the fool with America" .Lastly he prefers Osama dead so that Osama won't yell "I didn't do it. Bush did it"

Theory 2 - Bush wants to prop up an unpopular regime in Kabul so that Afghanistan would be a pro-American country. Americans want to build a military base there with missiles poised to attack Russia and China.

Theory 3 - Americans want to build an oil pipe line from the Caspian sea deposit (which America would invade later) across Afghanistan to a terminal in Pakistan. (Which America would invade later)

Theory 4 - Americans think they can easily subdue those ill-equipped Afghan Hilly Billy fighters. Whereas in a hand to hand combat with the marines, the hardy fierce Afghans will prevail

Theory 5 - Afghanistan is a Muslim country and the West's dislike for Muslims, is always there. If Osama is hiding in Germany or Japan (Clean shaven in business suit) these two countries would not be attacked.

Theory 6 - Though Afghanistan has no oil, American still go there nevertheless, because there is something else they like - marijuana.

Theory 7 - There is a huge pile of weapons in the American Military Complex. They must clear old stocks before Christmas.

If none of these theories fit, then America must be crazy. Evidence of their craziness are abound. Thirty years ago after the end of the Vietnam War, Robert McNamara said "It was an uneccessary war" and that, after 50,000 marines killed. Today the Iraq war is not even over yet and the idiot Bush is already talking "It's the wrong war" and that after 4,000 marines got themselves killed for nothing. I bet in ten years from today some idiots in Washington will say the same about the on going war in Afghanistan

Thank You Aljaziera

Congratulation to the Aljaziera journalist who hurled his shoes at Geoge W.Bush. He was doing it on behalf of the 1.8 billion Muslims world wide. But it would take ten more boots - all size ten - thrown at George Bush before the message "Get the hell out of Iraq" sinks into his numb skull.

Post Script: It is not fair if George Bush could hurl bombs at the Iraqis but got away with it. But an Iraqi who hurled shoes at George Bush, is now under detention. The criminal is George Bush and the Iraqi is the victim. Let natural justice prevails.

Parting Shot For Bush

The "Observer" reports that George Bush has done something on purpose to annoy Obama.

Due to certain loop hole in the law, Bush can can make certain regulation without the approval of Congress. The regulations he did:
1. Coal miners can now dump waste in the valleys
2. Coal-powered power stations can now be built near national parks
3. People are allowed to carry loaded guns in national parks
4. Open up areas for mining oil shale.
5. Truckers are allowed to be at the wheel for more than 11 hours

All these regulations are damaging to the environment and the last one,endangers lives. It does not matter to Bush if people don't like the regulations as long as he gets the chance to bash up Obama. Bush is a sore loser and such childish behavior is unbecoming of the commander in chief of the Great United States of America. The dude cares for his ego only and disregard what others feel. In 2003, the world cried it's heart out begging him not to invade Iraq but he coolly went ahead with his plan oblivious to the protest of his own people.

Obama has to undo the regulations Bush made. It won't be difficult. He can use the same presidential power that Bush used, to get the regulations repelled.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pay to see the president

The Prime Minister of Singapore told the New Straits Times that he had to pay a hefty sum of money to get an appointment to see George Bush. I was shocked. That is the practice of third world countries where one has to bribe the gate keeper to see the local war lord. It is not befitting for a first class country like USA. The Prime Minister however did not mention to who he paid the money. I suspect he must be the White House chief of staff. He is the one who fixes the president's schedule - who the president sees that day, that sort of thing

Did the money paid by the Prime Minister go into the pocket of the chief of staff? Did it go into a collection box like what we provide in mosques in Malaysia to help them pay for the upkeep. Surely the White House does not need the money in the collection box to pay for the phone bills!

Imposing a fee on a visiting head of government is bad. It amounts to saying "I have no time for you but if you insist seeing me, then you pay for my time" The Prime Minister of Malaysia also visited Washington but he didn't get to see George Bush. Dick Cheney was thrown in as substitute. I wonder whether the Prime Minister of Malaysia too was made to pay "Visiting Fee" like his counter part from Singapore

Obama's chief of staff is Rahm Emanuel- a citizen of Israel. The same guy could have been the chief of staff under Bush.

Malaysian, American Democracies

Some people are not very happy with the democracy that we have in Malaysia. In that case take a look at American democracy. Then find out who is worse.

1. Money Politic exists in Malaysia and America. Over here its the politicians who give out money to the people in vote buying but over there its the other way round. The people or to be more specific, the Jews who give money to the politicians who want to run for public office. The money takes care of 30-40% of campaign expenses of every congress man! As a result, congress as well as the executive is indebted to the Jews

2. The cabinet. In Malaysia, members of the cabinet are picked out from peoples' representatives in parliament or senate. But in American, the president makes his own pick from unelected members. As a result, a president inclined towards oil business, would have many oil men in his cabinet as is the case with Bush. Such a government would start a war to get at somebody's oil wells.

3. Kicking out head of government. In Malaysia, the prime minister can be kicked out by a simple vote of no confidence in parliament. But it is not so in America. Attempts to unseat Bush through impeachment failed.

So who has a better democracy?

The Jews

The Quran talks about "People who spread corruption on Earth" without mentioning who these people are. I think by implication, the people described refer to none other than the Jews.They have caused a lot of untold damage to the world - politically and economically.

Their influence in America is most discernable. Through it's powerful lobby, AIPAC, it controls the government and dictates it's foreign policies. American invasion of Islamic countries are examples of Jewish-dictated plans for world hegemony.

The Jew's control of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank has affected economies all over the world. Their hedge fund and currency trading can disable a country's economy like what happened in Malaysia in 1997 during the height of Asian Financial Crisis

I am wondering whether the Jews are Satan's favorite people to be enticed into evil. For all I can say, the Jews have no internal defense system against Satan. The Quran says, the Jews who abandoned the Muslim faith (YES, they were Muslim once) would no longer enjoy the benefit of "Hidayah" or divine guidance.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Palestine - Possible Solution

How about bringing the Palestine Issue to the International Court of Justice at the Hague? As I see it, the problem is basically that of conflicting territorial claim over Palestine.

Present day Jews claim that Palestine is theirs based on Biblical verse of more that 2,500 years ago. Genesis 17:8 says " Also I give you and your descendents after you, the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan (Palestine) as an ever lasting possession and I will be their God" The accuracy of the verse however cannot be acertained because the Bible has been rewritten and retranslated many times over the years.

The original text of the offer above, is also found in the Quran whose authority cannot be doubted. In al-Maidah Verse 21 " O my people! Enter the holy land (Palestine) which God has promised you, but do not turn back on your faith, for then you would be lost" The offer is conditional in nature "Do not turn back on your faith" In this, both the Quran and the Bible agree that the Jews (Israelites) did turn back on their faith. Some of them reverted to idol worshiping a few generations after the demise of Moses

If the Jews could base their claim on Biblical verse, why can't the Muslims do the same, based on Quranic verse. Barack Hussein Obama, being a lawyer, should consider this.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Greed and Stupidity

There are striking similarities between what happened on Bukit Antara Bangsa, Kuala Lumpur and what happened on Wall Street New York. Both were the out come of human greed and stupidity.

Bukit Antara Bangsa Kuala Lumpur
Greed - Some developers knew that they could get a lot of money from the sale of luxury hill side homes but due to the inherent danger of land slides, it was very difficult to get building approval. Some government officials, however, could not resist the huge financial incentive offered by the developers.

Stupidity - People bought the houses because they were located in a posh residential area. They disregarded the fact that 15 years earlier, High Land Tower built in the same area collapsed due to land slide.

Wall Street, New York
Greed - According to George Soros, some greedy people " manipulated the financial system to maximize profit and they could do it because of the inherent defect in the system itself" And according to Daniel Gross "The financial institutions on Wall Street were not banks in the true sense of the word. Instead they were Hedge Funds lashed to investment banks". Every body knows that Hedge Fund people always go all out for big money.

Stupidity - United States has NO central bank like Bank Negara in Malaysia. The Federal Reserve Bank that issues American dollar notes, is just like any other bank that has its own agenda which might not conform to the government's fiscal policy. Who owns the Federal Reserve? Just take a look at an American dollar note. There are Jewish symbols on it.

Implication for Malaysia - Che Det says with the present growth rate, we will not be able to get to Vision 2020 as scheduled

President elect Obama

President elect Obama will finally take his middle name, Hussein, out of the closet and put it back where it once belonged. I admire his gut. So in the coming inauguration day next month, he would be saying "I Barack Hussein Obama........"I am looking forward to seeing it on TV.

President elect Obama, not only has a Muslim middle name but his first and last name as well. "Barack" is short for "Mubarak" a common name in Egypt while "Obama" is "Ubama" in the Arab speaking world.

I still think that Obama is a Muslim because he has a Muslim father regardless of whether the father practised Islam or not. A child born to a Muslim father automatically becomes a Muslim. No baptism is required. A Muslim remains a Muslim as long as he believes in Allah and Muhammad his prophet. How does one "unbelieve" what he has believed? He must have learned the rudiment of Islam in Indonesia and that includes belief in Allah and Muhammad. This is a personal matter between him and Allah. We should not interfere

I am aware it is none of my business to discuss Obama's faith. I am only trying to prove to the Americans that Islam is not as bad as they think

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mumbai Terror-Who did it?

Theory1 - It could be a group of Pakistan Pakistanis and British Pakistanis who were upset over the treatment of minority Muslims in India and Britain. They wanted to vent their anger and at the same time to get the world attention over the plights of these minorities

Theory 2.- It could the work of CIA who hired mercenaries to create unrest in India and Pakistan. That would be excuse enough for Americans to send in their troops to quell the unrest. Obama is already talking about sending 20,000 troops to that part of the world

Theory 3 - It could be the work of certain elements in India and Pakistan who want their countries to go to war with each other over the issue of Kashmir.

Theory 4 - The American sickness of Virginia Tech.Syndrome has finally reached Asia. People inflicted by this sickness enjoy shooting people as a kind of sports like what happens in America from time to time.

Note: One of these theories has got to be right. Which ever theory it is, I have lost faith in man's ability to resolve problems in a civilized manner

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Of Pak Chik and Mak Chik

When I got posted to a new school, I told the students to address me as "Pak Chik Din" instead of the customary "Cik Gu Din". In no time, I found students I met in hall ways and canteen greeting me by that name. It was a novelty. They never addressed a teacher that way before. One day a student came to the staff room and he asked for "Pak Chik Din". Unfortunately he was reprimanded by another teacher for being improper and disrespectful. Such was the prevailing perception. My reason for asking students to address me as ":Pak Chik Din" was to establish an informal student/ teacher relationship. Teaching would be a lot easier when this relationship is established

The problem of using this honorific form of endearment was also faced by the present prime minister.People have been calling him "Pak Lah" for so long even when he became prime minister. Rafidah Aziz thought that such address was improper and she asked everybody to find an alternative way. But "Pak Lah" stays. Why is this distaste for the word "Pak Chik" When I visited my friend's homes, they made their children address me as "Uncle". Why not "Pak Chik". It means the same. The truth of the matter "Pak Chik" is associated with villageness, and "Uncle" with cityness.

In the village, people hesitate to address my wife as "Mak Chik" for fear that they might offend her. So they , young and old chilren and adults, resort to calling her "Kak" which means "Sister"

Size of Paradise

I wrote a story on "Paradise" earlier but I forgot to mention the size of this final dwelling place of righteous people.

The Quran, in the Chapter Al-Hadid Verse 21, gives us a glimpse of the immensity of paradise.
"HENCE vie with one another in seeking to attain your Sustainer's (God's) paradise as vast as the heaven and earth which has been readied for those who have attained to faith in God and His Apostle"

That's vast indeed especially when we think that there are probably no uninhabitable places like deserts or ice covered regions in paradise. That's comforting! It appears there are rooms for many more! What bothers me, however, is the word "Apostle" in the verse. It's in the singular. Such being the case, the word refers to Muhammad only to the exclusion of followers of Moses and Jesus.