Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Common Misunderstanding

I am writing in response to comments posted on the Islamicity Website. A Canadian wrote that the belief in Jesus crucifixion was based on eye-witness account and Muhammad who lived 600 years after Jesus, thousand of miles away was in no position to say anything about crucifixion. The Canadian was right. Muhammad did not know anything about it until God mentioned it to him in the Quran that Jesus was never crucified. Now it is the word of God against the word of the eye-withness.Who is more credible? The Bible bears the work of human hands whereas the Quran does not.

In the same website, even a Muslim from Pakistan, said that Jesus was killed and probably believed in the crucifixion as well, based on the Quran Chapter 4 Verse 157 "And they boast"We have slain the Christ Jesus son of Mary who claimed to be an apostle of God". In this, God was merely quoting what the people who boast said. "We" does not refer to God. Down the line of the same verse, God says "However, they did not slay him but only seemed to them" Muslims must be very careful when reading the Quran.

Also in the same web-site, an American was visibly annoyed when he said "When will Muslims ever learn that Jesus was not a prophet" I do not want to argue over this because the Quran says Jesus is in the list of the 25 prophets we should believe in.I am not annoyed when the Christians maintain the blasphemous belief that Jesus in the son of God or Paul is an apostle and Muhammad, a false prophet

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