Monday, December 29, 2008

My Quest For Trinity

I am always intrigued by this concept Trinity. So I looked it up in the Bible but could not find anything about it. Next I looked it up in the Chamber's Dictionary. Not much help either. Then I met this guy Sam, a Gulf War veteran visiting Malaysia. He said Trinity is like water. It can exist as a solid, as a liquid and as a gas- same substance but in different forms but I could not equate that with the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Then I asked a Malaysian christian. He saw that I was sincere and not looking for an opportunity to bash his belief. So he explained, in all sincerity, the Father refers to God the almighty, the Son to Jesus of course, I knew about that already. But the new thing I learned about Jesus is that he was God incarnated in a human body. And as for the Holy Ghost, it is also God when He is not inside a human body. All this is small matter for most people. They just brush it aside. But not for me. Can't help thinking about it. How the followers of Jesus were once our brethren but today have gone seperate ways-- and worse, at each other's throats

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