Monday, December 15, 2008

War in Afghanistan

I can't make any sense of the war in Afghanistan. What are the Americans, the British and NATO fighting for?? In the absence of tangible reasons, as always, I resort to speculation.

Theory 1 - Americans want to catch hold of Osama, the alleged perpetrators of 9/11 because of three reasons. First Bush wants to be a hero. Secondly he wants to warn the world 'Don't play the fool with America" .Lastly he prefers Osama dead so that Osama won't yell "I didn't do it. Bush did it"

Theory 2 - Bush wants to prop up an unpopular regime in Kabul so that Afghanistan would be a pro-American country. Americans want to build a military base there with missiles poised to attack Russia and China.

Theory 3 - Americans want to build an oil pipe line from the Caspian sea deposit (which America would invade later) across Afghanistan to a terminal in Pakistan. (Which America would invade later)

Theory 4 - Americans think they can easily subdue those ill-equipped Afghan Hilly Billy fighters. Whereas in a hand to hand combat with the marines, the hardy fierce Afghans will prevail

Theory 5 - Afghanistan is a Muslim country and the West's dislike for Muslims, is always there. If Osama is hiding in Germany or Japan (Clean shaven in business suit) these two countries would not be attacked.

Theory 6 - Though Afghanistan has no oil, American still go there nevertheless, because there is something else they like - marijuana.

Theory 7 - There is a huge pile of weapons in the American Military Complex. They must clear old stocks before Christmas.

If none of these theories fit, then America must be crazy. Evidence of their craziness are abound. Thirty years ago after the end of the Vietnam War, Robert McNamara said "It was an uneccessary war" and that, after 50,000 marines killed. Today the Iraq war is not even over yet and the idiot Bush is already talking "It's the wrong war" and that after 4,000 marines got themselves killed for nothing. I bet in ten years from today some idiots in Washington will say the same about the on going war in Afghanistan


Kurt Kuden said...

i thing we can hurl Bush another shoe..
err.,, left shoe is it?

Ahmad Sirajudin said...

Bush is going to need additional secret service protection when he goes back to Texas next month. Hundred of people I think will want to shoot him - revenge.