Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jesus and the Last Day

Regarding the Last Day, Christianity and Islam share a few common beliefs but there are also differences.


1. Jesus died on the cross (Based on ................. Jesus did not die on the cross (Based on the
eye witness account) then raised to ................. Quraan) but was raised to heaven all the same
2. At the End of Time, Jesus comes down........... At the End of Time, Jesus comes down to earth
to earth to make every body Christian .............. to break the cross
3. The appearance of anti-Christ ...........................The appearance of Dajjal
4. The emergence of Gog and Magog...................The emergence of Yajuj and Majuj
5. There would be peace on earth..........................There would be peace on earth
6. The Christians try to hasten the coming.............Muslims let God decides the day He wants
of Jesus by creating a sectarian war in send down Jesus
in the holy land (Israel)

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