Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Dead Sea Scroll

I first heard of the Dead Sea Scroll from an article in the Readers' Digest which I read more than 25 years ago. The scroll was believed to be a part of the old testament written in a language long dead but nevertheless still decipherable. One of the deciphered parts, goes something like this: "Perform your prayers and pay your dues". Incidentally this same line is also found in the Quraan. By no mean this is the only similarity; I discovered many other similarities as well. I am giving two examples below:

1. Christians are required to remove their foot ware when entering a place of worship just as Muslims do when entering a mosque.

2. Muslims have to do a ritual cleansing (wuduk) before performing a prayer and Christians are required to do the same.

I don't know what has happened to the rest of the Dead Sea Scroll. I learn that they are kept in Tel Aviv and New York. I wonder why their contents are not made public. Are they afraid of what the scroll might expose?

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