Sunday, May 18, 2008


I read about a bunch of teachers from Turkey who are planing to go to Afghanistan: The mission: To make Afghans more liberal in their religious out look. We know the Turks are liberal, as far as their practice of Islam goes. And the Afghans are the opposite. It was this man Kamal al Turturk
who changed Turkey what it is today. But why are the Afghan so different. I have a theory to explain this. I want to describe how a religious dogma changes after many generation

Generation One: You are encouraged to keep a beard
Generation Two: You should keep a beard
Generation Three: You must keep a beard
Generation Four: If you don't have a beard, you are a bad Muslim
Generation Five: We are putting you in jail because you don't keep a beard.

Men of religions make fatwas based on previous fatwas Those Turks could consider themselves lucky if they didn't get a kick in the butt by the Afghans

1 comment:

Aida AS said...

Abah, byk kali Eda try letak comment kat sini tp didn't work. Kali ni nk try lagi.