Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Christians, the Jews and the Muslims

I wish that the Christians and the Jews realize that Muslims were their cousins because all of them were descendants of the patriarch Abraham. His two sons, Isaac started the Israelite line that produced Moses and Jesus. Abraham's eldest son, Ishmael, started the Ishmaelite line that produced Muhammad.Somewhere along the way,the followers of Moses and Jesus abandoned Islam to found Judaism and Christianity.Muhammad then took over the job of spreading Islam that Abraham started nearly 4000 years ago.The Christian,the Jews and the Muslim are adamant in their religious stand and refuse to budge.Prejudice sets in among the three religions and these prejudice snowballs with each passing day.This is the root cause of all the troubles in the world today.On one side we have the Christians and the Jews and on the other side,Muslim.These feuding religions should look into their common origin.Their holy books contain a lot of things in common that one imagines For instance.all express their dismay over the conduct of the Israelites

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